Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sittin here restin my bones, this loneliness won't leave me alone

Ugh. I'm back at work. And it kinda sucks. Apparently next year I'm going back to the come to work at 3AM schedule. Sucks. I'm not very happy about that. I was really just starting to enjoy this schedule. Though I imagine I won't be stuck at work for all the drunk calls I usually get now. So, there is some DD availability next year.

Otherwise, it was a beautiful day today. I took out my girl today for a spin. I have been seriously neglecting her for the past month and I feel bad. But she was ready for a ride as always. I need to get the service done and maybe I can ride more. I think I've decided to just blow off getting the car fixed and spend the money on something more productive... VEGAS!

Or maybe not. I still need to buy my car tags. Blah.

I had dinner last night with Jersey, Sean, and Elise. Yes, that's three times this week I've seen Elise in person. This may comprise a long term relationship now. There was much laughter at the table, and more good times after when me and Elsie split off for beers. Jersey had some great experiences with NASCAR on saturday. Apparently there were a lot of "rednecks" out at the track. Yes i know, it was hard for me to beleive too. But she enjoyed the "game" and very impressed at the drivers going "hand in hand" around the track. I heart you Jersey! And i still want pancakes

Yes, my quest for pancakes is still underway, I may just have to bite the bullet and head to IHOP alone. No one wants to partake with me it seems. Maybe on my off day this week!

I'm still taking suggestions for my birthday... I have thursday and friday off (9th and 10th)... And i think maybe a trip to the Highlands. I know a nice irish pub up there. Then, the more daring among us could head to a footwear exhibition. We'll see.

Oh and realize society has reached its pinnacle, we can now have deep fried coca-cola batter. Yes, thats exactly what America needs. Is it any wonder we're an overweight country? Yet, we can't cure the common cold or have reasonably priced medical assistance. But you can give an old guy and erection for 4 hours... yay! We've come so far.

I'm going back to pretending to work. Would u believe we had an IT guy come in just to reprogram the big screens here so we could watch football? Can you believe he actually came in?

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