OK, second one today. But this one is more of a social commentary. Let me expound:
I read a news article where a school system in Massachusetts has banned the game of "tag" among children. Apparently the likelihood of some child getting a scrape or bruise is just too much to risk. And some parent could possibly file a lawsuit. This ban also extends to other such games and TOUCH football and dodge ball.
Now people, parents.. I know you love little johnny and little susie, but they are children. Children run and jump and play and get hurt. Its the natural order of things. Thats why they are so resiliant to injuries, and they heal quicker. Hell, you can break a bone, and they cry for a few minutes, give them some candy, and all better.
But no, apparently we want our children to grow up in a bubble of hyper protectiveness where they can't possible be injured. You're banning touch football?? I remember playing tackle at school, touch was for when the girls played (and at that age we didn't want to touch them anyways). No dodgeball??? Thats a right of passage, who hasn't been bruised by a 40 mph rubber ball??
There's generations of children that lived through this roughness (and worse), and the next generation will manage too. Lets not just plant our kids infront of the playstation all afternoon. And we wonder why physical fitness has declined so much. That's how children get exercise... the play. They don't go to a gym and get on a treadmill, they chase each other. It's more fun. Hell I only get exercise now if theres a ball involved!
And occasionally they fall down, it will be OK. They will heal. But in the long run, it will make them better people.
OK, thats it, I'm getting off my soapbox. Tomorrow is marathon drinking. yay! Monday, i'm heading to the sandbox where it's suppose to be 100 all week. Yay! For now, back to work! I have my 3 flight plans just waiting to go
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