I don't see the big picture. I was just told that by a maintenance controller. To be fair, it was said with no small amount of sarcasm and jest. Thats often what we peons are told when we question our leadership. Its something thats followed me since the days of LT Hines. Although, I did believe at one time that there was a big picture, but now days... not so much.
Thats totally not what i wanted to write about in this particular blog, but it was said as I started typing... and like the single minded person I am, I typed it right out.
Anyways, so i went to BAM today, and after complaining about a lack funds in the last blog, I went ahead a bought a couple books. So, no more money complaints will be coming from me. There were two books purchased. The first; 1000 Places to See before You Die. I thought this should be amusing and I keep looking through it every time (literally) I go into a book store. And it seems like a good goal to set. I mean after finishing the beer list at Taco Mac of course. I'm sure I've already seen a few of them, so it's probably more like 932 Places to See Before You Die. I should go through and check them off.
The other book i bought is First Time Around the World, A Guide for the Ultimate Vacation. Do you see a theme here?? Its a book with ideas and recommendations for traveling... well around the world. I'll figure that will be helpful in seeing all those places before I die. Again, its another book I constantly peruse at the store. And well, I've been contemplating a long round the world trip since I got back from Europe the first time. Then A brought it up a few months back that we should take some time off next year and do an around the world trip. And while I thought it was a great idea, I didn't want to do it with her. Besides, she always had an issue following through with such things so I never thought I was in any danger of actually spending 2 months traveling with her. But I still want to do the trip.
So thats a goal. Get in shape, get out fo debt, run up a whole new debt seeing the world. Oh yeah. and finish the Taco Mac beer list. Oh I just had a stroke of genius. I can go to all the countries on the Taco Mac beer list and drink the beers in a local setting! I should run a travel agency!
Tonight at work thus far has been entertaining. So far, a plane almost grounded for a "burning smell in the cockpit", which is never good. And while that was going on, another with a fuel indication problem who thought he was going to run out of gas before he got to where he was suppose to be. Also, not good. Both issues seemed to have resolved themselves, but the excitement was overwhelming for a minute. Oh and then we couldn't get stairs to a plane in Kuwait because the ground people are overwhelmed. The Air Force has given the handler 30 days to fix the situation. Its a wonder we win any wars.
Tonights goal however is to be done by 1 to make it to the Mac with the guys. Wish me luck.
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