Oh lets lighten things up a little. I'm slowly growing into a good mood. Looking forward to some things coming up; the vacation and cruise, time off from work, Taco Mac on Sunday, baseball on tuesday, and a possible shift change at work. All in all things aren't too bad.
So, the other day I was reading an article from a pilot who flies in to Kathmandu a lot, and there was some interesting things in the article that made me think about some things. The main thing, and I've talked to some of my own pilots about such things, is that when flying over "anti-American" countries, they never get anything but the utmost professionalism. As a matter of fact, there's only one country I can't send a plane over... and who wants to fly over North Korea anyways.
But in this particular instance its Iran. After talking to some crews, they've alwya stated the Iranian controllers are nothing but professionals. Some of the best they say, with clear spoken English that sounds as if your talking to a guy in Kansas. And given the state of politcal tensions between the US and Iran, its somewhat surprising that US commercial aircraft fly the friendly skies over Tehran multiple times a day. Sure, theres some beauracratic loops to jump through, but nothing insurmountable. As a matter of fact, almost every country in the world I can get you overflight permission with in 24 hours if you want to spend the money. Even recently when a US plane had a mechanical problem and had to make an emergency stop in Tehran, the crews remarked nothing but professionalism (mind you there were guys with guns watching at all times).
And I suppose it helps we pay by the mile to fly over every other country in the world. For example, a bill faxed over for a flight that went over Laos a couple weeks ago, $800 in navigation and overflight fees. Thats for approximately 10 mintues spent over that country. What a deal!!
So JR, heres how to fund your revolution, start with a island nation or country thats under a major airway... and charge the hell out of everyone that flies over... and make sure there's no easy way to go around. Works for Cuba.
I guess my real point is this; why is it we can't transfer such an attitude from professionals to the politicos? Again, I suppose you need to not have raving lunatics in charge (hello North Korea!). I used to wonder how such psychopathic maniacs were able to take over nations and convince everyone that its a good idea to invade your neighbors or just kill them all. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Pol Pot did it, Mao Zedong did it. How did it happen?? And how did normally rational people allow it to happen?
A wiseman once said... "When some one tells you they know whats going on, immediately question that person." I think even us Americans don't do enough of that... and just accept what we hear on CNN and read on the internet. Its unfortunite.
And hows that for ligthing things up???
Visualize Whirled Peas!!!
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