So, I was having a hard time coming up with anything remotely interesting to type about, and then I went and talked to a co worker, and she was telling me something I just had to relay...
So her hair dryer died today, and demonstrating a "can do" attitude, she went to her garage and got the leaf blower out to blow dry her hair. Now I'm trying to picture some one drying their hair with a 4 foot long leaf blower... i find that comical... At least she didn't use the gas powered one. I can see the headline..."Blond dies of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning drying hair". The leaf blower industry would have to put new warning labels on everything!
And you know, all those stupid warning labels we have today are because some one did something something stupid. Some one did use a hair dryer ina shower. Some one did eat the moister absorbant material that come sin the stereo box. Some one has operated heavy equipment after taking 4 tylenol PM (Ok so that was me). And now I can say i know a potential cause of a safety tag. My day is complete.
Well, not really, I have to add 6 beers to my Passport list today... thats by far the most important part of my day!
I have nothing else to say, at least nothing profound. Its time for my OSHA required safety nap... so I can be well rested for Sunday afternoon activites.
Oh, and at a request, I'm going to start naming the songs and artist for the song lyrics I shamelessly steal. The previous blog subject was a line from Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly". I was going to give prizes for correct guesses but no one has won yet.. or even guessed.
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