Current mood:
Yesterday was a good day. The training thing I went to was most interesting and very infromative. Which hasn't been te norm for training in the past. And this wasn't so much a training class as an intro for the ground school instructors as to what they are covering in the next year. I met some pilots and we had an after class debrief, which was very educational.
I did have issues the night before sleeping, I woke up at 5 am and was wide awake. That sucked.
After the debreifing i went to help Grace with her recovery from the major foot surgery. OK, it apparently wasn't that major, but I was amused by her "yes" and "no" instructions, and that re-affirms my faith in the medical industry when u have to write on the leg to show which one should be operated on. SHe seemed to be well on the way to recovery when I left.
I took my leave and spent a fabulous night in the Highlands with Elise. The beer flowed, the fries were delicious, and the live entertainment was... well.. best i can say was he was alive. Though he did have some nuggets of wisdom in his music (see the subject line) but for the most part it wasn't my thing.
The second bar (Atkins) was much better. I do miss living up there.
Today, its nice out. I think i may take in some coffee and reading, is freakin cold! I'm also happy I managed to budget myself well and won't have an overdrawn checking account if my rent check clears before Friday. That makes me happy.
Tonight should be fun. I'm taking Elise and Jersey to experience a fun and different kinda of evening. I hope they enjoy, everyone else has walked away with a big smile... I aim to keep my harem satisfied. Tahts enough rambling. I'm going to go amuse myself for a couple hours.
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