SO, Now its not Christmas anymore, all thats left is to through away the paper, buy some batteries, and move on to New Years Eve. The second holiday in the trifecta of holidays made to make single people miserable. I'm persevering.
So, Christmas ar moms was good, we ate a rediculous amount of breakfast, opened gifts (which the sheer volume of stuff for the kids required about 2 hours to get through), and then had second breakfast. We decimated the 4 lbs of bacon!! I did rack up a few gift certificates and a light saber. Score.
Now, all thats left is for me to deciede when (if) i'm going to remove my christmas decor and how long I'm going to wait for unclaimed gifts to be claimed before the regifting begins. Its tough decisions. I'm also pondering getting immunizations for an African Adventure. I really don't like shots. Why can't we kill all the diseases out there???
I must say, the hilight of my day was the visit by the harem to work. And I also must say it was the highlight of most the male occupants of the office who watched them walk in. I don;t know if they noticed the craining of necks and the leering stares. I did, and I was amused. Most of all, I was pimpin!
So the rest of the week is going like this. Wednesday I have a function to attend, and I am apparently dressing up. I should take a picture. Thursday is trivia night. I'm currently open on Friday and Satruday nights for anyones party needs. And then Sunday, New Years Eve festivities. Monday, I'm watching GT beat down WVU. I feel a binge drinking session coming on.
Oh and at some point I'm working a couple extra days.
I hope all had a Merry Happy.
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