So, the big news story today, ok well the one I read, was that South Korea is giving out gifts for office workers who do not visit prositutes over the holiday season. Now, this story fascinated me for many reasons. First off, I work in an office and I haven't taken advantage of the services offered by any prositutes, so wheres my gitf? Secondly, how do you prove that you've abstained from the brothels just to get the gift?? Just walk into the government gift giving office and shout it out!!
Prostitutes are looking like good ideas these days, a lot less effort to be turned down by a woman.
I finished my book at work tonight, very interesting read, althought I'm kind of pissed off at the government now. Lets just say I'm morally opposed to buying politicians. And finacially opposed to because I can't have a pet Senator. When I am king, this will all stop!
Had a fabulous lunch today, Grace, T and A. And A seems to have found a new man, I'm not sure what I think about that, because she's my A and I don't want to share. And we all know how much I love T and A!!! But the food was yummy and I was craving some mexican flavrs. And I was once again struck by the stiking (ha) similarity between Mexican restaraunt music and German Polka. Its as if german ooompa bands colonized Mexico back int he day.
I really don;t have anything else interesting to say, Christmas is done and gone. I only got a few annoying back to college questions and when are you getting married questions. I mostly dislike the way some people like to lecture me for hours about things. Well, it seemeed like hours, and if you add it up, it's probably closer to days. It's all good intent, but damn give it a rest.
Apparently I'm not getting kissed next year because of JR. Thanx buddy, thanx for the bulletin and ruining my 2007. I hope a very large rain drop hits you on the head. (That's about as spiteful as I can be).
OK, I'm not really feeling being more literate right now. I think I'm going to head toward home, pop a cold beer, drink it alone, and then crawl into my bed. Sounds exciting don't it!
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