Well, I'm back a work. So I guess its times to write a blog. It being Chistmas holiday's the work load is excessively light. So I've taken to bringing a book in and reading it, I'm almost done. And I have 3 days left.
So, the 4 days off had some good times, I spent a lot of time with the harem, and I think in the process I discovered bad hummus. It really improves the quality of a morning when you start by vomitting. That's probably a bit too much info, but I thought everyone should know. At first I thought it was an alcohol problem, as I had been stiffed with a pitcher of Amber Bock to finish the night before, and then went to Taco Mac (yes, i know it was horrible). However, the fact the room was not in motion blew that theory.
So the moral of the story, don't eat the Hummus at B-52's.
Otherwise, nothing much exciting happened, unless you count the cleaning of my shower. After a month of travels and fun, the past 4 days were a nice rest period. And now, lets get the fun back on.
That's it, nothing much to complain about. Well nothing new to complain about anyway, and we're all tired of the same old stuff. I start my new hours after the first, which are the same as my old hours. So It's back to sleep problems. Maybe I'll just paint the windows black, I'm sure AMLI won' mind.
OK, well, back to my book... and maybe I'll pay attention to a plane or 2.
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