Saturday, December 30, 2006
This is the end, my only friend, the end
So this is it... the last blog of 2006. The year is over and it's about this time we all tend to reflect on the year past. What you've gained and lost and all that nonsense. I have to say the past year has had its ups and downs, but the ups have outnumbered the downs. I can only hope the next year is as good. Actually, thats completely untrue, I hope next year is way better!
The last few days have been fairly fun. There's been outings and trivia winnings and sleepless nights. Well, only sleepless in that I was out too late to get sleep before going to work. It was good to see Brian and Tommy the other night. Good times. And then the Harem visits all week were awesome. And lastly but definitely not leastly, I had a hot date last night.
Well, she may not have known it was date, but I'm saying it is. Why? Because i want to. I had a great time working on my beer list with Elise, who was hot and engaging as always. There's just something about her that makes me want to do stupid things. Looks like she's moving in with me in the near future, which will either be a lot of fun or drive me insane. Or both.
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, then 2006 is over. The current plans are to spend the night with Jersey in Atlanta. Sean and his significant other are allegedly coming with. It should be a good party, and I plan to spend the better part of tomorrow getting my drink on. The actual plans are not set, we're being fluid and spontaneous... which I think is driving Sean nuts. My plan, just go with it, have a good time, and enjoy the evening!
I also today, followed through on one of my resolutions for 2006. Yeah I know, I waited until the last possible minute, but that's how i do things. I'm just waiting for the UPS guy to bring the new purchase home, and my rock star career will surely take off shortly there after!
So, I appreciate all those who have been loyally reading my blog over the last year, and the awesome comments. I would hope all my friends could be around tomorrow, but prior committments and the real world have intervened. But we will have a good time tomorrow, Jersey and I will make sure of it!!
And then we'll watch the Yellow Jackets beat down WVU. Happy New Year all. Here's to an aweseom 07!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
know you see me lookin' at you and you already know I wanna love you
So, the big news story today, ok well the one I read, was that South Korea is giving out gifts for office workers who do not visit prositutes over the holiday season. Now, this story fascinated me for many reasons. First off, I work in an office and I haven't taken advantage of the services offered by any prositutes, so wheres my gitf? Secondly, how do you prove that you've abstained from the brothels just to get the gift?? Just walk into the government gift giving office and shout it out!!
Prostitutes are looking like good ideas these days, a lot less effort to be turned down by a woman.
I finished my book at work tonight, very interesting read, althought I'm kind of pissed off at the government now. Lets just say I'm morally opposed to buying politicians. And finacially opposed to because I can't have a pet Senator. When I am king, this will all stop!
Had a fabulous lunch today, Grace, T and A. And A seems to have found a new man, I'm not sure what I think about that, because she's my A and I don't want to share. And we all know how much I love T and A!!! But the food was yummy and I was craving some mexican flavrs. And I was once again struck by the stiking (ha) similarity between Mexican restaraunt music and German Polka. Its as if german ooompa bands colonized Mexico back int he day.
I really don;t have anything else interesting to say, Christmas is done and gone. I only got a few annoying back to college questions and when are you getting married questions. I mostly dislike the way some people like to lecture me for hours about things. Well, it seemeed like hours, and if you add it up, it's probably closer to days. It's all good intent, but damn give it a rest.
Apparently I'm not getting kissed next year because of JR. Thanx buddy, thanx for the bulletin and ruining my 2007. I hope a very large rain drop hits you on the head. (That's about as spiteful as I can be).
OK, I'm not really feeling being more literate right now. I think I'm going to head toward home, pop a cold beer, drink it alone, and then crawl into my bed. Sounds exciting don't it!
Monday, December 25, 2006
It's almost over, bring on 2007!
SO, Now its not Christmas anymore, all thats left is to through away the paper, buy some batteries, and move on to New Years Eve. The second holiday in the trifecta of holidays made to make single people miserable. I'm persevering.
So, Christmas ar moms was good, we ate a rediculous amount of breakfast, opened gifts (which the sheer volume of stuff for the kids required about 2 hours to get through), and then had second breakfast. We decimated the 4 lbs of bacon!! I did rack up a few gift certificates and a light saber. Score.
Now, all thats left is for me to deciede when (if) i'm going to remove my christmas decor and how long I'm going to wait for unclaimed gifts to be claimed before the regifting begins. Its tough decisions. I'm also pondering getting immunizations for an African Adventure. I really don't like shots. Why can't we kill all the diseases out there???
I must say, the hilight of my day was the visit by the harem to work. And I also must say it was the highlight of most the male occupants of the office who watched them walk in. I don;t know if they noticed the craining of necks and the leering stares. I did, and I was amused. Most of all, I was pimpin!
So the rest of the week is going like this. Wednesday I have a function to attend, and I am apparently dressing up. I should take a picture. Thursday is trivia night. I'm currently open on Friday and Satruday nights for anyones party needs. And then Sunday, New Years Eve festivities. Monday, I'm watching GT beat down WVU. I feel a binge drinking session coming on.
Oh and at some point I'm working a couple extra days.
I hope all had a Merry Happy.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Twas the night before Christmas...
And I am currently sitting at work trying desperately to amuse myself. I've got my one flight plan bange dout for the night, and If i really wanted to I could probably head home now. But I would feel just a little guilty working less than half a shift. As it is, I'm being paid well to play miniature golf or read.
So this one goes out to all of use working types who are making the world run on Christmas. We sent a plane load of troops over to the sand box tonight, and I felt that was just mean sending them out on Christmas eve. But the company did a lot of special stuff for them, including catering the gate, decorating the plane, singing, gifts, and even a visit from our very on Santa. I've said it before, even though this place has some issues, we do take the best care of the troops we can.
Tomorrow moring I have an early call to mom's house for breakfast and Christmas morning. I'm looking forward to gorging myself on biscuits and bacon. Mmmhm. I may just stay at moms all day and eat breakfast food. I will be arriving early, to make sure I get the fresh bacon. Yes, I know, it's juvenile but you don't know my brothers.
So, I hope Santa is good to all those good boys and girls. And all you naughty girls.. just call me. You can sit on my lap!
Ok, so no more crudeness. Hope everyone has a good Holiday season with their family and/or loved ones. Be safe
Saturday, December 23, 2006
So this is Christmas, and what have we done
Well, I'm back a work. So I guess its times to write a blog. It being Chistmas holiday's the work load is excessively light. So I've taken to bringing a book in and reading it, I'm almost done. And I have 3 days left.
So, the 4 days off had some good times, I spent a lot of time with the harem, and I think in the process I discovered bad hummus. It really improves the quality of a morning when you start by vomitting. That's probably a bit too much info, but I thought everyone should know. At first I thought it was an alcohol problem, as I had been stiffed with a pitcher of Amber Bock to finish the night before, and then went to Taco Mac (yes, i know it was horrible). However, the fact the room was not in motion blew that theory.
So the moral of the story, don't eat the Hummus at B-52's.
Otherwise, nothing much exciting happened, unless you count the cleaning of my shower. After a month of travels and fun, the past 4 days were a nice rest period. And now, lets get the fun back on.
That's it, nothing much to complain about. Well nothing new to complain about anyway, and we're all tired of the same old stuff. I start my new hours after the first, which are the same as my old hours. So It's back to sleep problems. Maybe I'll just paint the windows black, I'm sure AMLI won' mind.
OK, well, back to my book... and maybe I'll pay attention to a plane or 2.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
When you're lost in deep despair, you just ask the lonely
I've been really aggrevated all night at work, and its over a fairly insignicant thing as far as the universe goes. Basically there was a huge holiday luncheon for the employees catered here, and a special note was put out that the night shift people would provided dinner also. Now I wasn't expected the chef to be here carving the roastbeef and the ham or the chaffing dishes to be out in the breakroom, but I did expect more than ham and cheese sandwiches to be left.
So out fo a menu of made to order pastas, carved roast beef, ham, bacon wrapped scallops, meatballs in marinara sauce, salads, assorted cakes and pies: I expected a little more than ham and cheese sandwiches on hard bread to be left. What's better, the veggie tray thats been here for 2 days was left with a "For PM Shift". OK to be fair, half a cup of meatballs and scallops was found in the refrigerator (and like a coffee cup).
Now, it's not that I'm missing out on a meal, but its like being told by management that my contributions here aren't nearly as important as people who work during the day.
So that started the aggravation, and then I just kinda got more and more annoyed with little things that really aren't that important. There's nothing worse then being under appreciated and it got to me.
Then I started picking up a little attitude from some one, and the timing was just bad on his part. The attitude may have been imagined, I don't know. Right now I can't be bothered with it.
I'm feeling a little better now, and I'm looking forward to some days off and Christmas. I really need to do some heavy cleaning around the apartment, and I really wanna get my bike to the shop for an oil change. Those pretty much are my priorities for the week. Shopping is done, and I think everyone will be pleased with my ideas, or at least they'll get some use or a good laugh. That's all I'll say.
So, I have work to do, some place has to keep the planes moving while the high salary types sleep.Sunday, December 17, 2006
I could use a beer and and a _____
I went off with Jersey shopping today at lenox mall. Wasn't as crowded as I expected, though we didn't stay long. Jersey seemed to think I was bored. I actually as enjoying watching the people shopping, and you really pick out the differences between men and women. For example. I watched a girl go to a sale table, pick up a shirt or something, look at, hold it up, unfold it, look at it some more, walk away and look at somehting else, come back to the first shirt, pick it back up, look at it some more, fold it back, walk around the rack, examine some other stuff, come back the original shirt, unfold it again, scrutinize it once again... and then leave.
And then a male shopper walks over to a rack (mens clothes just to be clear), pulls a shirt off, looks at the tag (i'm assuming for the size), puts it back, finds an exact copy of the shirt in a different size (i'm guessing) and then goes and buys it. So much simpler.
Now, we male types usually know what we want before we go, and find it and buy it. Rarely do we just browse (unless its for electronics or tools). Women browse for hours, just incase they might find something they don't need that's on sale. I find it hilarious.
The other thing that amused me while experience Lenox Mall was how all the seats and benches seemed to be occupied by men carrying bag(s). And occasionally, a woman (wife, girlfriend, mother) would walk over and either retrieve their loyal pet or hand them another bag and take off for another retail adventure. Apparently this is our job as men... hold bags, kill spiders, and lawn care. Once women find a better way to do all that, men will probably all die off as the next step of evolution..
I did enjoy the time out and I made use of it by actually buying something (which ironically Jersey didn't even though it washer shopping adventure). And I'm that much closer to being done shopping. I should be done by tomorrow if I can drag myself out of bed at a decent hour. And its not even Christmas Eve yet.
I'm starting to look forward to the idea of a roommate. Let's see if I can remember how to live with some one again. I suppose theres no more naked walking through the apartment. And more so, i'm looking forward to lowering my rent. More money to spend on frivolous things.
Its really slow at work till the end of the year, apparently we don't deploy alot of troops right before Christmas. So I'm catching up on the weeks TV shows I missed and reading. I suddenly have the urge to be a CIA operative and ovrethrow governemnts. Well, I've had the overthrow governments urge for a while.
Well, if I say anymore I'll have to kill you.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
The year in preview: around the world in a daze
Current mood:
I'm trying to make plans, and I'm not usually so good at that. Theres some places I want to be at specific times next year, and I'm having a hard time working out the details. And then I have a hard time paying for it. So, here's how its all shaping up. And these are just a few things I want to do: There's Shanghai in February, Bike Week in March, Dave Matthews Band in Sydeny in April, Dave Matthews Band in Brussels in May, a Cruise in May, plus some where in there a trip for a week to Cairo or somewhere else in Africa (I think January is open). Now the problems here are the DMB in Brussels and the possible cruise are pretty much at the same time. Conflict number one.
And I'm sure here soon the DMB summer schedule will be announced, and that will require some coordination amongst interested parties. Oh and theres probably some potential trips to Jersey, Minneapolis, and Orlando that need to be made.
Oh and I have to visit South America (i'm think Buenos Aires) at some point next year to achieve my New Years resolution.
I think that should just about cover 2007. I may be spreading myself a little thin, or at least my bank account will be decimated. But I think it's worth it really. I suppose I should sit down, and plan out a budget and a schedule. And actually stick to it.
Then theres the normal stuff that comes up every year... do i want to move? I have a roommate possibility. Which would help with the expenses. But I've gotten kinda use to living with alone, but I do miss having some one around. Plus this person brings certain ASSets and pleasant decor to the living situation.
Now, I just need to figure that out, budget for 4 continents, Several states, and pay my bills on time. I suppose I could cut out beer. No, lets not even joke about that.
One money saving idea I'm coming up with, just eating at work for the rest of the month. Everyday I come in there's more candy and cookies and cakes and assorted snacks piled up in the office, plus 2 dinners being provided by the company. I could just eat at work. Thanx to some of the flight crews and ops reps, theres more German Chocolate in Dispatch than in most small German villages. Not that I'm complaining. Now if only i knew some one in Brussels who could send Belgium chocolate. Hrrrmm, wonder where I could find some one like that... say some No Talent Ass Clown that has the slackest job in the company right now.... hhuh? What are the chances?
On the Christmas front, I'm almost done with gifts (I know, and a whole week to go before Christmas!!!). I'm way ahead. I picked up the Harem's gift today... well, the major part of it. I think they find it both useful and entertaining. I have to get something for mom still, and my neice has put in a request, but I'm not sure if I can fill it. I should be finished and hopefully everything wrapped by Tuesday.... thats' the plan. Except JR's, it sona special order.... hahaha... don't ask what or how I got it, you don't want to know.
I got the bike out today, and even though she's overdue for an oil change... I took her out for a quickie. Its so nice out today and it's been so long since I've been for a ride. And she purred right along. I got off with a big grin. Its amazing it's December and I can ride the bike without needing the leathers for the cold. Yay for global warming.
Well, I think I'm gonna get back to work, which currently consists of me watching football on the big screen and Grey's Anatomy and CSI Miami on the internet. Don't worry, the planes are all running fine.
Friday, December 15, 2006
All the old paintings on the tombs, They do the sand dance
Let me first apologize to the whiny little beotch who keeps calling in to ask me stupid questions while i'm busy surfing the internet at work for not mentioning him in my last blog. I apologize for the omission and I'll be sure to make fun you future blogs as often as possible.
Seriously, Ryan was most helpful in my eventual non jumpseat home from Bruxelles. I'm getting into a bad habit of running into him in random parts of the world. I'm thinking of taking a trip Cairo and chances are, I'll run into him again. The only downer is that 5 hour layover in Addis Ababa... but then again, I could say I've been to Ehternopia. I could do the one thats stops in Khartoum, The Sudan (that's right next to Chad, Ray's favorite country), but apparently there are a few communicable diseases that breed there I don't feel like contracting.
Otherwise, I slept alot today. It was nice to be back in my own bed (which is very comfortable). I understand Grace's determination to sleep in her bed alot more now. I have been spending a good bit of time lately away from home. I do however miss the part about hotels where they come clean the place for you. If I could only get maid service at my apartment... and not pay for it.
And why is that hotel maids, even though you clearly have the "do not disturb" sign on the door, always knock and ask if you are sure. Its not like I was in Germany and brought my own personal English version of the sign. Or Flemish. I really don't want to be disturbed. I'll let you know when to clean it.
I'm back at work for the moment and would rather not be. But thats ok. I gave my boss the bill for the trip, at least the parts I had to pay for. He kinda laughed when I told him my room in Bruxelles included 25 Euros (about $30) for my "free" breakfast. You may be wondering what a $30 breakfast tastes like? it's not bad, except there were no pancakes. I would have thought for $30 I could get some freakin pancakes. or at least Belgium waffles. Hello, I'm in Belgium.. where are the waffles?
So, yeah Cairo... that sounds like it could have some potential fun. I've always wanted to see the pyramids, and thet would satisfy my Africa requirement for my New Years resolution. Of couse I need to check all this with my personal travel assistant Grace. I need to plan around her schedule now. Add Jersey's schedule, and wow... maybe I should get a PDA for Christmas. I do need to get shots before heading to the Dark Continent probably, which would require a doctors visit. I hate doctors.
I'm gonna get busy. I have a lot of nothing to do for the moment. Oh, FYI, theres new pictures on my slide show and new pictures on my photo bucket. Thats and search for mellodees. I didn't take alot because.. well, there wasn't a whole lot to take pictures of. And I really didn't feel like being all tourist-like.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
This is getting ridicuous
Current mood:
I wrote this earlier today when I wa sin a much better mood, before getting screwed by departments that refuse to talk amongst themselves... for the seocnd time. I was looking forward to coming home tonight. Now, I'll be home later tomorrow.. and thankfully they were so nice to book the center seat in the back fo the airplane for me... for 10 hours... I think I may die. Anyways, enjoy the following... I think i'll order a $20 burger and charge it to the company.
So, here we are again. Grace used to send epistles on her treks around
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Guten Tag
I've found a nice Irish pub, and hit the Beir Museum and the Chocolate museum. I liked the beir one better. Done some browing around the Christmas markets, which are areally kinda neat. I don't think anyone works or goes to school here, its noon and the entire city seems to be out shopping. Of course the sun goes down at 4:30 so I suppose they have to get out early to see the sun.
Other neat things, bratswurst everywhere, have some Gluhwien (warm wine with a shot of rum or ameretto... warms u up inside), and German TV. Nice. You know how we get those late night phone sex commercials with the girls in skimpy clothes telling you to call. Well, they have the same thing here, except remove the skimpy clothes. It's porn ... on regular channels. I'm managing around not knowing the language, and it helps most people seem to speak english enough to sell me things.
There's a change in my schedule, due to unforeseen circumstances, looks like i'm taking the train to Brussels tomorrow morning and flying home from there. So chalk up anohter country this month. Well, I have to send some emails to the boss and finalize the plan for my trip home. Its such a pain but I'm used to being flexible in travel. And after that, beir!
Auf Wiedersehen
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Fly me to the moon...
So, this is coming live from JFK airport in New York. I've manage to not only sniff out a wireless network to jump onto but find a handy window for airplane viewing. And as much as I enjoy watching airplanes at good old ATL, there's so much more variety here. In the time it took me to log on, a Saudia 747 and an Alitalia MD-11 have taken flight. So I'm managing to satisfy my inner airplane nerd and my inner cyber nerd at the same time. I only wish the network connection worked in the Sam Adams brewpub here... I would never leave.
So I got up this morning after way too little sleep. But I did manage to convert my 10 hour shift into a 6 hour shift last night. I think thats fair for having an 8 AM flight scheduled after being on shift till 3 AM. ANd i had a committment I just didn't want to get out of yesterday afternoon.
SO anyways, it turns out in an odd twist of coincidence I used to work with Tanya's older brother back in the old FedEx days. I was wondering why he stared at me when he came in the apartment. I mean besides the obvious jealousy that he's not me. It was one of those 'small world' moments. If I would have only known how hot his sister was back then, I may have tried to hang out more.
I've been busy at home. Well, not really, but I have managed to get gifts not only bought, but wrapped already!!! And my spiffy little tree is all decorated, and the apartment itself has taken on some festive flourishes. Yes, I think I'm getting that Christmas spirit. Yet I still have no idea what to get mom.
I'm thinking of maybe having some people over to experience my festive abode, and possibly buy an sweater with a reindeer on the front... ok not so much on the reindeer sweater. My jubulance does have bounds. I'm thinking thursday after my triumphant return from Germany, but we'll see. It won;t be a full blown party, mostly becase alot of people will be working. Maybe I can just have the whole harem assemble for a meeting. Then add some copious ammounts of alcohol and see what kind of festive cheer they spread. Stay tuned.
There's a freakin pigeon walking around the gate area I'm in.... only in NY.
So, a little bit of aviation history... the Delta terminal i'm currently sitting in was once the Pan American World Airways Worldport. It was built back in 19.. and was that starting point for many journeys for the armada that once carried the signature "Blue Globe" to the far corners of the world. Its just kinda neat to think about how many people caught their first glimpse of America in this building.
All Nippon AIrways B-777... cool
OK, thats my historical moment for the day, I'm off to find some lunch before heading over to the Lufty cargo terminal for my ride out. I can't say i'm looking forward to the flight, the seat is going to be hella uncomfy and their doing pilot training. But the price is right. I'll be in touch.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Standing on the edge of the Cliffs of Insanity, amd I'm ready to jump Current mood: awake
I was told the other night by some one that since her life was crazy, she was going to make mine the same. Too late! As much as I'm enjoying actually having things to do and plans to look forward too, its starting to get a little overwhelming. Christmas is coming, and you wanna find that perfect gift that's jsut going to make that person smil uncontrollably. And i tend to suck at that. The biggest problem is mom, what do u get the person who has everything and wants nothing (at least thats what she says). ANy ideas?
Otherwise, i think its going to be a slow lazy day, as opposed to the active melee's i've been experiencing (ha). I do have some cleaning that needs to be done but I'm just not in the mood for it. I vacuumed this week, isn;t that enough. If i had more money I wouldn't do laundry, I'd just buy new clothes. Well, maybe not, I hate shopping.
Which is one reason I like Christmas, people buy things for me!! Saves me the trouble. Its not that i demand gifts, it just takes the pressure off or me to go to stores and figure out what I want. And its nice to be surprised. For all the faults, A always did the best at getting me surrpise gifts. I always got something I wasn't expecting but really loved. The surprise is the best part.
Did you know the only TV on at 6 am is infomercials and news?? Both of which I really don't like. But I have found BBC World news, which is by far more interesting too me than the local stories.... who lost a dog or what not.
I think I'm gonna wrap this up. Maybe I'll finish my water and try to get some more sleep. I'm off to moms house this evening to pick up Christmas decorations.
Monday, December 4, 2006
You put the "u" in douche bag
Current mood:
Yesterday was a good day. The training thing I went to was most interesting and very infromative. Which hasn't been te norm for training in the past. And this wasn't so much a training class as an intro for the ground school instructors as to what they are covering in the next year. I met some pilots and we had an after class debrief, which was very educational.
I did have issues the night before sleeping, I woke up at 5 am and was wide awake. That sucked.
After the debreifing i went to help Grace with her recovery from the major foot surgery. OK, it apparently wasn't that major, but I was amused by her "yes" and "no" instructions, and that re-affirms my faith in the medical industry when u have to write on the leg to show which one should be operated on. SHe seemed to be well on the way to recovery when I left.
I took my leave and spent a fabulous night in the Highlands with Elise. The beer flowed, the fries were delicious, and the live entertainment was... well.. best i can say was he was alive. Though he did have some nuggets of wisdom in his music (see the subject line) but for the most part it wasn't my thing.
The second bar (Atkins) was much better. I do miss living up there.
Today, its nice out. I think i may take in some coffee and reading, is freakin cold! I'm also happy I managed to budget myself well and won't have an overdrawn checking account if my rent check clears before Friday. That makes me happy.
Tonight should be fun. I'm taking Elise and Jersey to experience a fun and different kinda of evening. I hope they enjoy, everyone else has walked away with a big smile... I aim to keep my harem satisfied. Tahts enough rambling. I'm going to go amuse myself for a couple hours.
Saturday, December 2, 2006
This blog has no sunject
Here we go again. its Friday here in my world, and I can;t be happier I don;t have to come to work tomorrow. Though, like a dumbass I volunteered to go to a training session with pilots on Monday. But I do get a free lunch and some easy OT. And things should be interestig.. i just found out the federales will be there... no pressure.
But its only from 930 till 1520, so thats not too bad. Possibly beers after wards! I hope y'all know I've had 2 adult beverages since I returned from Vegas... thats coming up on 2 weeks. I'm going through withdrawals! I suppose that going to a dry country on vacation really isn't my thing.
And i hope you all know as I type this the airline is cumbling around me. None of it is my fault and there's nothing i can do about it. But it is disconcerting (my word of the week) that we can't seem to keep an operation running.
And now, my check engine light is on. I checked it, it's still there, so thats good. Luckily it came on after i had my emissions test and I really don't have to clear it for a year! I just know that its going to probably cost a small fortune. I love my car and I really would like it to not fall apart on me.
And today I also noticed that my credit limit on one of the czards has been increased... great. They have no idea how much self control I don't have. I'll owe my soul to Bank Of America before its over. I think I have a new plan for managing my debt. It involves scissors.
I think mo is going to graciously donate Christmas paraphernalia to my cause, in exchange for taking the Christmas decorations down out fo the attic. I should throwa party for everyone to come over and decorate my apartment... and serve festive drinks. Hrrmmmm. I must ponder this.
Friday, December 1, 2006
lets try this again, for the 45th time
Let me start by saying this is the second time I'm typing this. And I was really happy with the first version. Lets hope I can recreate the literary masterpiece that myspace obliterated...
OK, I don't know how many of my loyal readers have ever played with guns. I know your not suppose to but we do. But have you ever had one aimed at you? How about 2? And you just knew there was a round in the chamber and the safety was off? Now, it's disconcerting at best. And well. now lets raise the stakes and make that gun a M60 machine gun, you know the kind they have to mount to something more sturdy than a 6'5" US Marine bcause he can't hold it and fire it without being knocked down by the recoil.
I think you get the picture.
I can say now that it's happened to me. On departing Kuwait, we enter through the air base side. I've been on a f ew military installations stateside, but never like this. Brings it all home that people are dying en mass just a 100 miles away or so. We're not in Kansas anymore.
Lets see if I can paint a picture for you. You have to go through several checkpoints to get from the road to the ramp where the planes are parking. Various ID's are checked at each gate. And then there's the one where they put you behind a concrete barrier and go over your vehicle for 10 minutes or so for explosives and contraband. And past each gate are these little towers. They're not well hid or camoflauged... it being a desert i think a tree would be more a give away than just putting up the towers.
Whats in thses towers? Well, judging from the barrels pointing out of them, a M60 and a soldier who knows how to use it. And why have one when you can have two. And it's not like they are pointing away from you while they check your ID. They're pretty much watching for you to do something stupid.
And I tend to do stupid things often... so no quick movements for me. And i did kinda wonder how fast I could be shredded should he suddenly catch his sleeve on the trigger by accident. And then, if these aren't enough, there are Hummers driving around with the machine gun turrets on the top... manned and ready.
And while I never really felt any danger the whole time in Kuwait City, its a vivid reminder that right up the road there is a war going on and people are dying daily. Yet I do think we are doing some good, and so did most of the troops I talked to. (One kid who was holding a gun while he watched me was based at Maxwell in Montgomery... the old Southwind reheasal mecca). I can only hope for a speedy exit form this war without much more bloodshed.
Well, back to the real world. Jersey left today for Jersey. Convenient. And most everyone is working. So i'm not missing out on a lot of fun happeneing I don't think. Next off days I'm home doing not alot, I think I may do some deocrating around the house. I'm really up for some festiveness and holiday cheer. And I actually have bought most the Christmas presents I'm buying this year. There's a possibilty they may get wrapped before Christmas Eve. I know, i'm way ahead this year. But no one get excited, the gifts aren't that great!