OK, people... let's have a lesson. When you come to a 4 way stop, you go through the stop in the order of arrival. You don't just sit there... ESPECIALLY if your the only one at the stop!
I'm fairly disenchanted with Peachtree City drivers, especially when a 2 mile trip to McDonald's takes 30 minutes. I was late to work!! Not that I care, my boss is in Prague. And then there's just the annoyance of the golf cart kids zipping all over the place. Sometimes i just wanna smack one for fun.
But then I would have to deal with insurance repairs. As you know (or not...) my car was hit while parked in a parking lot. My insurance company and the offending drivers insurance company are one in the same. And thus I have to file a claim along with his. Ok, Done. And now... well... the insurance company asked me if I wanted to go have the repairs done and pay the deductable, or wait to see if his covers it. Um, hold on... your the same freaking company!!! No wait, he was in a rental car, and it has be determined if he was driving the rental car and if the car was rented in his name... I feel like I'm about to get screwed here.
So, the answer to my lovely insurance person, I would like to wait and have his coverage pay for the damage he caused to my car that he hit... and its not like he had the challenge of a moving target! I apparently misunderstood the meaning of auto insurance. I always thought if you were in an altercation, and you were not at fault, the other guy paid for it... all of it!!!
I may be wrong.
So driving today has been a pain, and I only went to Mcdonalds and to work. I would probably kill some one if I did the Atlanta commute everyday. And if you guys got Elise's bulletin on Atlanta, let's just say it was dead on accurate.
Well, thats it... still making travel plans for next month and my birthday. I should beinteresting to try and fit everyone in one room if we so choose. I think with the amount of women going, it would be best to have more than one bathroom... We'll see. And i'm kinda psyched about going to Kuwait. I think that will be an interesting trip. Of course I'm not telling the family before I go.
And on a cheerful note, I have a new neice. Emma Elizabeth Dees was born yesterday morning. She's doing well right now. At least i got a few years till she's into expensive christmas gifts... right Darci?
OK, 8 more hours of staring at computer screens. Later.
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