All you people out there who liek to remind me its hot outside, please stop. I know its hot outside, my body temperature inidcator works just fine. I don;t need a constant reminder as to why I'm sweating. After 8 years of college and 29 years of reasonably conscious existance... I know when its hot.
Perhaps its that I've built of a tolerance to the heat or just that I've accepted that its hot outside and theres nothing I can do to change it. I've spent good parts of yesterday and today outside. And i was sweating. I personally think its good and healthy that we sweat occasionally. Now there are somethings I'd rather be doing to work up a sweat than just standing there, but I take what I can get. I really enjoyed tennis today, though not as physical as last time. I have re-affirmed the fact that I suck. But i'm going to stick with it.
Otherwise, I have a goal for today. I'm going for 1000 blog views. If your the 1000th veiwer, you get a prize. (Unfortunitely anyone who has played my music trivia knows my prizes suck, but thus one will be better i promise). I'm avergaing 17.86 views per blog now days... I can account for, oh... 10 of them... who else is there??? Say hi would you!
While I try not to make light of those who have passed on from this world, BUT... sometimes your just asking for it. Now I liked Steve Irwin. He could be a bit overexuberant and goofy, but I managed to learn somethings about the animal world watching him. But a guy who will purposely lie inches away from vipers and man eating animals and provoke them to get a reaction.. well.. I can't say I have a lot of sympathy. I wouldn't have guessed a sting ray though. Crikey
Well, i think I just pissed off my brother. I messed up his grass today with my car when I parked at his house. Apparently my attempts to repair the little damage were not successful. Who pays .. well, a third of my yearly salary.. for 20 square feet of grass? Yet another reason why i don't spend time at my brothers house. Ostracized again.
I started writing this in a cheerful mood... now well... best i should just keep to myself.. Its not looking like good week
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