Current mood:
I can remember when I was living in that swank little apartment downtown and getting paid a little more than half of what i make now... and I was nowhere near this broke. I don't get it. Maybe I have let my expenses get way out of control. I shoulda stayed in the highlands... Maybe i'll move back when my lease is up. I miss living in the city. We had good times there.
Of course most of the Harem has been added since i left. You girls missed out. And now, here I am living in suburban hell with golf cart paths. But at least I seemed to have developed a social life. I find it amusing, after months of sitting at home with not much to do and no one to do it with, suddenly there are days I have 3 people pulling at me. usually i go with the cutest one.
And i've discovered that having a social life is really expensive. And you see all these shows where the 20-somethings are always out at fabulous bars and wonder events and doing all these neat things... seemingly everyday. Yet, you never see them at work. For all we know their days start at 5 pm and thats about it. Or if they do have jobs they're usually something rediculous.. like actors or persoanl shoppers or something. Makes me wish my life had better writing.
So, now that i'm looking to the end of my 20-somethingness.. do I get to live like people in their thirties.. families, white picket fences, $15000 lawns?? Nahhh.. screw that. I'm going to keep it like now, just enjoy what I'm doing until its gets too bad to handle any longer.. than move on.
I found a job oppurtunity in Kabul... it pays well. hrrrmmm
And i'm still waiting for pictures to come streaming in...(*cough cough* TANYA *cough*). By the way, subtleness is not my forte.
I'm feeling better today, i think its because I have ice cream. Everything is better with ice cream
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