Saturday, September 30, 2006

Baby don't ya wanna go to that same old place, Sweet Home Chicago

Current mood:Apprehensive

So, its Friday, and its my Friday, and its Payday. And i feel like I'm broke already. I did get some good news today in that my motorcycle insurance is dropping $200 next year.. yay!!! Otherwise it was a slow day.

I'm off to Chicago in the morning, and I'm having mixed feelings. I'd rather not spend the money, but then again, I'm looking forward to just getting out of town. ANyone up there look me up.

And its official now, the Vegas trip is moved till the 17th of November. Look to be staying at the Imperial Palace. its not the nicest place, but its right in the middle of everything and on the strip. And most of all, inexpensive. Right now, I'm looking at reserving 2 rooms in the next couple days. For the 3 day period, that come sout to about $500. I think we can manage tio split that amongst ouselves. If no one comes, I'll have plenty of room to spread out.

Thats really all I have to say, nothing profound tonight. I'm in a sort of cerebral slump. We'll see how the wedding and family time goes. I can't say I'm real optimistic.

Oh the music trivia seems to have waned, so bonus points to anyone who can tell me what music legend originally performed the song this subject was taken from.

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