So, lots of things to report. On the car insurance front, the adjuster came out and did his thing and apparently there sending me a check. Maybe I'm not going to get screwed... Except I'm thinking the adjuster isn't going to give me what the body shop actually charges to repair it. It also seems that one office isn't talking to the other office.
Of course my first idea was to say the hell with the dent and go spend the money on something else. Vegas maybe. Speaking of, I'm looking at changing the dates and going the following week. Why?? Hotels are half the price. I don't know whats going on out there on the 9th of November but they're charging a fortune to come. I'll hopefully have a plan in no time. I need to hear back from those who had committed to the first date.
Next... sex in the workplace. I've been reading a little bit of an aviation message board ( all the aviation experts in the world in one place!), and yesterday there was an article about an Air Traffic Controller and her supervisor getting on at work. In all fairness, the romantic encounter happened in his office according to the story. But reading the "outrage" from the event, you'd have though he'd had bent her over the radar scope and went at it while airplanes were circling over Denver waiting to land. Next time your delayed in Denver. Now you know why!
Today, there's an article about 2 Qantas Flight Attendants who made a flight more comfortable for a young female passenger on the trip to London. Appearently one other male Sky Muffin witnessed the event and ratted them out. The other 14 or so on the crew saw nothing. And really, whats the chances of a staight male Fligth Attendant.. let alone 2 on the same plane?? I know stereotypes... I know some straight male flight attendants. At any rate, lets say this you lady was dissatisfied with the inflight entertainment and decided to seek amusement elsewhere. I will tell you it's not the first time, and I doubt it will be the last time. I can only hope it happens to me someday.
Now, I personally haven't had an occasion for playing with anyone else at work. I know it happens. I know people that it's happened to. Personally, I don't care... just stay off my desk when I'm working (unless your 2 hot chicks looking for a third... then bring it on). Besides, I think we could all use the tnesion relief at times, and the excercise... its kind of like going for a jog on your lunch break. I think when i'm Vice Emperor (second only to JR), i'm going to implement a "Get Laid at Lunch" policy.
That's it. Back to the grind!
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