Current mood:
Its been a nice day. And then I came to work. I'm bored now. I have company at work tonight, and he's got most the flights assigned to him. My 3 are just kinda chillin. I've been here an hour and everything is done for the night. I don't know whether to be happy about that or dread the next 9 hours (or so) of just sitting here reading the internet, shopping for things I can't afford, and checking Myspace to see if anyone loves me (usually the answer is no).
I did have a lovely afternoon with Sean and Jersey, and we rocked the putt putt. I think we established none of us are professional golfers. But a good time was had by all. Well, at least by me. Then they tossed me out of the car and went off partying for the night. Meanwhile I'm slaving away at work.
Oh well, You gotta pay the bills right? I'm hoping to get all caught up on some bills by next paycheck. It amazes me how much money I spend. Imagine, and this is for the guys among us, how much money you could have saved if you had given up the pursuit of women? Imagine if you had put the effort that was placed in either finding love or satisfying lust into something slightly more useful... and profitable... where you might be today. I'd probably be a millionaire by now. I know my mental state would be more stable.
Unfortunitely, I like women. they're fun and soft and cuddly.. like puppies, except they can cook (sometimes). We'll skip the other talents that some women possess in the name of keeping this PG-rated. But still they vex me.
And its not like i spend money just on girls I'm trying to get into bed. I generally am a generous person I think. I want everyone around me to be happy and enjoying themselves. And that may mean picking up a tab sometimes or buying a couple rounds of shots... And i really like to do that. Besides, its only money... Its made to be spent. As a believer in karma, i know it will come back to me.
Speaking of things that cost too much, how about gas prices are coming down! I saw $2.50 a gallon today. I don't know whats more sad, that I'm excited by $2.50 a gallon gas or that its that expensive. Whats even worse, I have an opinion on why its coming down, and i'll share tht opinion with you now. Many of you know its a mid-term election year. And well, suddenly, just a couple months before election time the prices start to drop... hrrrmm. Its the man trying to control us again. And what really pisses me off, is that people will be so happy and re-elect the asses in office for lowering the gas prices, without asking why they didn't do that months ago. Thats my political rant for the day, hopefully the thought police won't be too mad.
Now, I'm putting out a plea for help. 2 things, anyone have any good pictures of me.. send them over, I'm looking to change out some of them on here. I know Tanya has some she's hiding for some reason... Don't worry, I won't put anything up thats too embarrassing. Secondly (is that a word?), I'm looking around vegas for hotels... and on the strip its going to be about $140 a night for some of the ... well, lets just say oldder properties. My feeling on this is since we're only going to be passing out in the rooms, that the room just needs to be clean and critter free. So, is anyone going to be upset if we don't stay in the Bellagio?
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