Since i lack the creativity to come up wiht my own whimsical subject lines, I'm just going to steal song lyrics from obscure songs I've heard that day... and see if anyone can name the artist and title. There will be prizes for correct answers.
This one stuck because i watched a lot of CNN today. Well, alot for me, which consists of about 5 minutes worth. And they're all over the current Lebonese-Isreali war. I'm not quite sure why its a surprise when a war breaks out over there. Its only been going on since... well before Moses lost his sandals in the desert. And with no signs of coming to a peaceful resolution. Whats another 1000 years of killing in God's or Allah's holy name. And really people, i thinks its time we moved along. But not being a religious fanatic I just don't see things from thir perspective. Then again, with the 3 major world religions all claiming the same area as the Holy Land, you would think there would be some understanding between us... And Beirut I hear was just becoming a nice place to go again, it was at one time called the "Paris of the Middle East". I'm assuming thats good thing and not meant to say everyone there is rude and dogs are allowed to crap anywhere on sidewalks. (I kid, i didn't find the Parisians any more rude than say, Atlantans). But the damage from the last Arab-Isreali conflict was just beginning to really fade and the tourists were back... Can't we all just get along, I wanna visit ther,e it looks beautiful when not being shelled.
And with that i'll go to something more mundane... today I spent a couple hours by the pool, cooking to a nice rare color. The tan was fading and i need to be dark and ready for my impending tropical adventure in August. And i know its bad for my skin, but i do it anyways. I figure its just one more thing that can kill me in a long list, and I have pretty good medical coverage. Of course I haven't been to a dermetologist in oh... ever. So no one is telling me to stop.
And after a nap, Grace was so Graceful (ha ha ha) to invite me over for some dinner. And tasty vittles they were. I need to learn to cook to return the favor... maybe I'll just make her some Mac and Cheese some night... seems to be a popular meal in that household. Unfortunitely I had to depart early for some OT here at beautiful Whiskey Oscar Alfa (I'm not sure if our internet poilce would be all warm and fuzzy with my thoughts on the work place... and I do need the paycheck, not that it would take alot for a true airline nerd to figure out what that meant)... Anyways, i left the dinner party in full swing and full swigs of Vodka, Rum, and Beer. And i had none. I did however have a beer 8 and half hours before i came to work today. And in the interest of effeciency, I took a shower while drinking the beer. Now, you migth see that as an indication of a problem... and it is. Actually its an indication fo 2 problems. One i need to better manage my time to avoid conflicts in beer drinking time and bathing. B) I don't have a coozy for a bottle so i need to drink it fast to so not to get warm in a hot shower.
So now I'm at work (as you might can tell by the length of this one, I have some free time... but no ability to drink beer here). I've turned on my web radio station of choice ( all Dave Matthews all the time), kicked my shoes off (first thing i did when i got here, much to the surprise of my coworkers), and I'm going to pull some Ben and Jerry's out when I'm finished here... some point i migth actually do some work.
And a note, Sarah and her friend Kat are coming over Monday to help me clean out the liquor cabinet... and anyone else is welcome to come join in. You welcome to stay, but i only have 2 pillows and they're reserved for me and whoever sleeps with me in the bed...
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