Saturday, July 8, 2006

Travel tips and witty quips

You guys have no idea how long it took me to come up with the rhyming subject. A poet I am not. So, Its my day off, and I only have 2 off this week. Now some of you may think thats normal. But I've grown used to my cushy 4 days on 4 days off work schedule, and six day week seems like a hell on earth. Perhaps thats a bit dramatic but its not fun.

First off, a lovely travel tip for all you types who don't get out as much as me. I've several times taken day trips to places and even been stuck on obnoxious long layovers, and well its pretty boring just hanging around an airport more than 6 hours (especially when u can't drink at the bar). Part of the whole free flying thing is you have to dress up nice and no drinking. Small price to pay, but lets say you hop up on a day trip to some city or you have a 9 hour layover in some kewl city... Heres a tip. Find a nice hotel that has a free shuttle from the airport (or near a mass transit station). Get on it, and ride to said hotel. Tip the driver. When u get there, find some place to change into comfy clothes, and then stash your bag at the bell desk. Tip the bell hop. Most don't care, but try not to mention you arentt actually a guest there. Spend the day doing various activities (This is a great thing to do in Washington DC and check out a museum or 2 or NYC or Vegas). And when your done, reverse the process. Make sure you tip the service personel. They're working people and watching your stuff for u. And there u have it, todays cheap ass traveler tip.

Now for the witty quips... well, Can't say that I have any. But today, i spent the afternoon riding the bike with my brother. He recently purchased an Harley and has seemed to fall into the whole biker lifestyle... its quite amusing really. And i never saw that one coming. People say the same thing about me so i guess its just how things work. But it was a good afternoon and the weather is great here, a cool summer day in the south (below 90 and low humidity).

I need the relaxation especially after last night of just being out. Now, I'm fastly approaching 30, and perhaps its time to not be out until 6 AM in bars and Waffle Houses... but damn u JR you keep bringing over red headed sluts (shots.. i don't mean actual red headed sluts, which would be much kewler). And i did so enjoy myself, firstly in PTC with my new friend Jersey (not her name but her place of origin) and then later with the boys and Elise... who had the best t-shirt on. I'm not going to tell you what it said, but it was funny.

So with the excessive amount of me being at work this week there should be alot of blogging going on, and my employer provides a significant amount of frustration and adjitation (yes i know thats not spelled right). This week, the head lawyer sent out a memo about insider trading and gossiping. Ironically, these 2 memos have caused more gossip than anything else . I find that humorous. Heres a hint to all you executives reading the blog here, if you tell your people whats going on, it will cut down on the rumors. But many of the personel have seemed to taken the saying "Knowledge is Poser" to heart... When I am king, all this will change. And that note. I'm going to start working on my campaign for President of the US. Vote for me in 2012!! I'm looking for a few good people (mostly hot chicks) to work on my campaign. Please send a resume and photo to me! Oh and its a volunteer work, but if I win... i'll make sure you're all taken care of!


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