I had a moment of confusion this morning. I thought I had finally snapped and lost it. And so did everyone i work with. "They" have started clearing the land across the street from our office to build more offices... and well, about 7:30 this morning I watched a tree start to sway slightly... just one tree. And the sway became a violent shaking and finally it just fell down. Now at this point I didn't know they were clearing land. Imagine if you will... a very angry mutant 1000 lb beaver taking down a 50 foot tree and you kinda have the visual i was getting.
To make it worse, I noticed this in mid conversation with a coworker and just stopped talking... and when he turned, the tree was already down... no one else saw it. Luckily a few minutes later they took another one down and other people saw it. So, i'm not delusional and losing my mind... ok, mybe making that statement is going a bit far. I'm not seeing the results of giant pissed off beavers. Its unfortunite all those trees had to die such a violent death... years spent growing for the sky, and suddenly to be shaken down with much anger and violence... YOU TREE KILLERS!!! DAMN YOU!!!
They're also putting a new traffic signal up, and my commute to work could possible double.. I'll have to leave a minute earlier. All in the name of progress. At least theres a new Target close by!! Very exciting.
Other than that, no excitement today so far. The work environment hasn't provided much in exceptional stupidity. We're just having the normal stupidity, and your all probably tired of hearing about that. And its almost friday, well, my friday. Anyone who's interested looks like Sunday at 1400 at the PTC Taco Mac will be the place to be.
Again, I've found a nifty job oppurtunity over in Dubai. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. I think it would be a fun adventure to go over and live ex-pat for a couple years at least. PLus, if you read last nigths rant, you know Im feeling sort of lackluster about our current Congress. And todays remarks by the Sec of State (though to be fair, I didn't hear the whole speach, jsut the sound bytes that made CNN and Foxnews... and they tend to leave out parts that don't suit them), I'm just not all warm and fuzzy... a quick ceasefire isn't in the best interest?? Tell that to the people getting shot at! Again, lets just stay outta this one America...
Ok, i'll stop before the rant starts.. but anyways, back to the important stuff, me living large in Dubai... everyone would have to come visit! Though if (when) I do go, i think my mother would have heart attack worrying about me.
Something to look forward too - one week from today is DCI in the Georgia Dome with Shelley, Linda, Jeff, Jennie, Scott, and I'm sure a lot more people I haven;t seen in years! Good times!
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