Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some of its magic, some of its tragic, but I had a good life... all the way.

Since I have time and a stable internet connection (thankyou Starbucks) I thought I'd turn out a quick little note. I'm feeling much better this week. I think it has alot to do with the wonderufl weekend I had, the amazing girl I love, and that the financial crunch has lightened up a bit. I still have to come up with ways to pay for the Savannah trip, and ar tags. but It should be relitively ok. I'll figure something out, I always do.

I would also like to take moment to apologize to Cha's. I had no idea I had overlooked such a momentous day and humbly ask for your forgiveness. I'll make it up to you next time theres a Brown opening. You too can be screwed by the TWU.

Its cold and rainy here, fall/winterish weather. And it sorta makes me smile. Not that I don;t enjoy summer and sun, but its time for a change of season. Plus the rain washes some of the dirt of my car. Unfortunately its been raining steady for 2 days now and creeks runneth over. I'm trying to send some of the moisture south. I would hate the idea of my friend down there running out of water in 90 days.

Otherwise, I'm in a better mood overall. And as always I look forward to the weekend. ANd the next and the next.

And for the aerosexuals, and just plane curious. Put some more "jumpseat" pictures up. These form a DC-8 (N819UP for those who like registration numbers), a plane that was produced before anyone reading this was born. But it gived u an idea where i sit.

Well, I can see my battery life is running short and I'v got emails to write. Congrats to Joe and Tanya (now officially TanJoe in the eyes of the law) on their nuptials. And also congrats to Chrissie for her recent engagement.

And last but not least, way to go Grace on her skill full avoidance of the bride's bouquet. You would have thought it was on fire the way she kicked it way :-)

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