Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The good ole days weren'talways good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems

The good ole days weren'talways good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems
Current mood: listless
Facing the possibilty I'll have to spend the weekend here in Louisville has me kind of down. I was looking forward tog etting home, plus I have things to do down there. Namely get my last paycheck from Whiskey Oscar Alfa... oh wait, I don't work there anymore... from World. THeres a slim chance it will be direct deposited, which would be great seeing how I kind of need the money in my account.

Otherwise, I'm getting inot the groove a tthe new place, as much as I can. THeres some kind of screw up getting my information from the background check computer to the people who need it to give me an ID and network login. SO basically, all I'm doing is watchign toher people work or doing manual revisions. Such is life. There is talk of possibly being trained to dispatch in the next few months, which would be wonderful. Ironically I've been doing this for years, I get to be trained to do it again.

Oh well, new planes new rules.

Nohting much else is happening, it seems to be hoter than hell up here, Hell being PTC. I thought it was suppose tog et cooler the farther you head form the equator. Wrong. And its not even a dry heat.

I've worke dout to keep staying where I am, for a minor rent. Basically I'm now paying for 2 apartments. THis is going to suck, Hopefully soon I can get jumpseat privelages soon and give up the gas bills to drive back and forth. Hopefully.

Anyways, I managed to get the Taco Mac jacket, I reached the 325 number. I know longer need to pay for expensive beers to add to my list. No more prizes come my way. Now it would just be bragging rights. ANd again, money is tight so... it'll be cheap beer.

Otherwise, I'm currently using my hot spot account to access the internet, which means a drive to Borders or STarbucks. The network I was stealing internet from has be come p[assword protected... I suppose they noticed me.

I guess I should starting looking for a permant place here and/or a new person to replace me in the PTC apartment. Which sucks, that where all my stuff is, and I don't want to move it again. But I suppose soon enough I'm going to have to realize that I am relocating, and I'll have a new home soon. Hopefully things will settle in soon enough...

Thats it for today, no rants or revelations. Maybe next time.

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