Current mood:hopeful
Warning, political discussion to follow... skip down if you want to miss it
So, we the people of the United States of America elected a new president. Several things are impressive about this. One, its possibly the largest voluntary and organized transfer of power in the world. Unlike other countries, no one had to draw a weapon to accomplish it. Whether or not you agree with the politics of Obama, you have to agree the process has become quite impressive and I like the peacefulness of the transition. Also, a non-WASP male has been elected to president. While I thought I would see a black man, or a woman, in the big chair someday, I really didn't expect it this soon in my life. So, that being said, I think it shows alot about race relations in this country and that yes, anyone can grow up to be president. Theres still, in my opinion, a ways to go but its a step.
And so the Democrats take control of the Presidency and Congress. And while I'm a registered democrat (which really kind of pisses me off I have to declare a party in this state) I'm not so happy to have both the legislative and executive branches controlled by the same party. Yes, I voted for Obama for my own reasons. But I also voted republican for Congress. I don't like the idea of one ideology running the place, makes it too easy to pass unnecessary laws.
Susan will tell you that I have left leaning ideas, but I also have a lot in common with the right. I think McCain would have made a fine president, and he has given a lifetime to this country. But he, and other republicans, have fought an uphill battle all the way. The country is seemingly fed up with Bush and the republican control of the last decade or so. And unfairly, the nation seems to have recoiled in the wake of the financial disaster and blamed the republican Congress (before 2006) and administration. I personally feel there's more blame to go around than there are political parties. McCain was almost the sacrifical lamb of the republican party. A co-worker made a statement the other night, that if Bush had wanted McCain to win, there would have been a terror declaration to focus the issue away from the economy to defense.
Once again, the sitting party during an economical hard time is kicked out. All in the name of "we're not those guys". it worked for FDR and Reagan. And I find it amusing that the Democrats are considered soft on defense. Wilson led the US into WWI, FDR into WWII, and JFK (and more so his successor LBJ) escalated Vietnam. All were Democrats.
Obama has been called a socialist (though John McCain clearly stated he doesn't believe that). And I read lots of Status's (or Statii?) about people who are moving to Canada to escape the impending high taxes and socialism. That's alot like moving to Seattle to get away from rain. I find a lot of hypocrisy in the statements that voting for Obama is voting against patriotism and America, yet still proclaim the virtues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Men who sought to change their futures by then "radical" notions of separating for England. I admire the founding fathers for standing up for what they believed and leading others to change the status quo. Or perhaps is the same Southerners who revere Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis who attempted to secede, very patriotic of them. I again, admire these men for standing up for what they believed to be right, though I don't agree with much of their beliefs.
There's the opinion that the liberal media is responsible, and possibly could be true. But I get my news from 2 sources, 30 minutes a day from the Daily Show (very liberal) and 9 hours a day of Fox News (which we all know is "fair and balanced" in their conservatism). And really, watching 3 hours of Bill O'Reilly every night at work may have driven me liberal..
IN the end, I don't see a lot changing in America, allegedly my taxes will go down $500. I really don't believe it. And the insinuation that $500 a year is an insignificant amount coming from the same people that said $750 in tax refunds would save our economy makes me laugh. I don't think socialism is around the corner, though I can see how the idea or free college (or greatly lowered tuitions) and healthcare access for people who need it is horrible idea. There will be some changes, but i don't think it will be as far reaching as the campaign promises (which are often broken... remember "read my lips, no new taxes"?). When all is said and done, the sun will come up tomorrow, we'll go one about our lives, and we'll still be bitching about the government and taxes.
At any rate, theres lots of problems here that need addressing, many haven't been addressed for a while. What happened to the great illegal immigrant debate, or energy independence, or any number of issues that seemed to have gone by the wayside. I don't think any have been fixed. So, maybe the liberal way of thinking isn't the right way (no pun intended), but the conservatives haven't seemed to do much better. We'll see what happens over the next 4 years. At least we have the Supreme Court to guard the Constitution... well, whats left of it.
And my final political statement.. vote Dees/Jones in 2012. If only because we'll have a kick ass inaugural ball and Susan will make a kick ass First Lady (eventhough we don't always see eye to eye on politics)!! That can be our slogan Dees/Jones 2012.. KICK ASS!
In other news, driving home the other morning I had a tire pop. It's my own fault really, as I've been driving on tired that had the tread showing for a while and without proper alignment. On the other hand, I did get about 50,000 miles out ofr my 45,000 mile rated tires. So, about half a mile from my house at 630 AM, i was changing the tire in a bank parking lot. And off I went to be the first eprson at the tire shop to buy 2 new tires.
Luckily, while they had the wheels of it was determined my left front axle needed replacing. Yay!!! Happy Birthday to me!I have been driving with busted CV boots for a while and dirt and crude had gotten the axle workings. This really ticks me off since the boots had been replaced by the "family" mechanic a couple years back.
SO, now with new driving car, and its lost alot of the vibration it had, I'm zipping around the Ville. Land of $1.99 gas. Amazingly ow happy that makes me.
But not nearly as happy as the prospects for the upcoming weekend. I'll be reunited with Susan for a few days. And we'll be surrounded by our pals. I'm very much looking forward to it. Work is the same, nothing earthshaking to report. I still like the job, if not all the people I work with. The new iPhone works like a dream. I'm always apprehensive when I buy things from eBay, but I've never had any problems.
So, thats it, I'm out of things to type, well not really. But i'm out of inspiration to type. I wish everyone well, and thnk you for reading. Remember Dees/Jones 2010... KICK ASS!
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