Current mood:productive
SO, whats been going on?? I spent the last weekend (and in this case it was an actualy weekend, not my normal "airline weekend") in the Atlanta Metro. As a celebration of my 32 year on earth, we had a gathering very graciously hosted by the TanJoe's and their menagerie of wayward animals.
But first things first, I made it in town Thursday night on a jet plane. I also learned that apparently the Bank of America building in downtown was designed to look like its burning, and if you look down into there's an effect of looking at embers. There's even possibly a sculpture up on the top. I was more concerned why the captain of the flight was so enthralled with the lighting of the skyscrapers and not the approach into ATL we were currently flying. Sometimes this riding a jumpseat thing can be a bit more disconcerting than It should be.
At any rate, I arrived safe and sound, and waited to leave the aiplane (with the other 70 passengers) for about 20 minutes until they "turned the jetway lights on". I offered to do this, feeling I'm more than qualified to flip a switch. Nope, we had to wait on the ground people, who seemed to not be interested in getting me off the plane. I offered a solution to the flight attendant playing door guard, but she felt that letting the passengers run amok on the ramp, while drawing attention and getting the ground workers to come over to our gate, would possibly aso result in her losing a job. She seemed attached to being an employee at Argyle Sillystring Argyle.
Eventually I made it off the plane, out to the car where Jersey patiently waited (ok, i got out before she got there, but she patiently drove) and we headed down to New-Nan for ome conversation, and beer list additions.
Friday was spent meandering about PTC and surrounds, and lunch with Charles at my favorite former chinese place (former since I moved away, favorite because they delivered the food the 500 yards to my apartments). While waiting for Charles to get off work, I expanded te beer list some more. That evening, my always lovely and fantastic niece picked me up and drove me to the Mom's house, where dinner was served. Aunt DOvey made some homemade vegetable-beef soup. Now, I don' mean the normal "Just Like Homemade" Campbell's fare, but actually homemade as the veggies were picked from her garden. I forgot tha tyou can grow those things. It was yummy. And then Susan showed up. Like the best birthday present ever!
AFter dinner cake (mmmhm, Orange Velvet cake with green cream cheese icing), Susan and I adjourned to the TanJoe Manor.
Saturday was spent dashing about Atlanta. First, Susan and I woke up amazingly early for us, and was out and about before 11 AM and headed to Radial for breakfast. Pretty tasty place, even if they left the tomatoes in my scramble. And then some window shopping and back to TanJoes for the impending gathering.
It was nice to see and hang out with everyone, the recently coupled (officially) JoHnathon and Grace.. who I suppose we need to come up with some pithy monicker. Even surprise visits by Charity and Mat and Molly, it was a good time. You should have been there (you know who you are).
Of course, Sunday came too soon and it was back to Louisville with me.
And after that, it's kind of been the same ole same ole. Work, sleeping, not work. I managed today to get my hairs cut. I've also discovered the iTunes store. This has the potential to be very bad. Why?? Well there was a time when I used to buy any and every CD i could find and had quite an eclectic range of music. Over the years, many of these CD's have been lost to moves, thieves, and my own stupidity. While many of them I can just do with out, there's some that I really liked. Of course these are ones not carried by any music store anywhere, in the US at least. Now, there on iTunes!!! Giggity!
So I must learn restraint.
Well, that's all I know, Im planning my dinner menu in my mind, and nothing is sounding good. I'm looking forward to the Holidays, and the chances it brings to spend some quality time with Susan. We know Christmas is coming, Starbucks is rolling out the holiday drinks and everyone is selling gift certificates. Oh, and there is snow forecast for Sunday. Must be winter.
Oh and I'd like to mention Ryan.
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