Friday, November 21, 2008

I’ve already used all the snow lyrics I know for subjects

Current mood:cold

I have returned from the Ham! And for those of you who think its all graniose that I went to Germany for the weekend, you'd be incorrect. I had a lovely week (end) with Susan and her new cats. After some induced cat fights and watching the furballs chase the unobtainable red laser dot, I had to leave. We had a nice weekend together, although it was much too short. But on the upside we do have plans to see each other next weekend. And we'll be taking in some 3,000 year old dead guys. Am I a romantic or what??

Actually, we both get kind of excited about such things. ANd that just makes her that much more awesome. But first I have to get through a weekend of work and then figure out how I'm going to work the Thanxgiving weekend. There's some logistical details to be worked out, but it's coming right along.

In other news, old man JoHnathon... I mean Winter (i get old people confused) slapped me in the face this week. First there was the excitement of scraping frost of the windsheild in Birmingham. ANd then I returned home to snow. Yes, that's right... snow! It's snowing outside as i type this and sipping hot cocoa. And for the first time, I'm drinking from a well traveled cup from Shanghai. I think its funny that while this cup has felt a lot of lips on it (not unlike myself), one of them were mine.

Anyways, i seem to be more prepared for winters cold this year than in the past. I have a car with a new battery and new tires for better traction in the ice and snow. Plus I live near an emegency snow route so I get to have a clean street. Mind you, as of right now there's all of a light dusting of snow on the ground, but you never know when a blizzard may strike. And I have hot cocoa! Unfortunately it doesn't taste like the nice Godiva type from Starbuck's, but it's early.

ALso in the good news column, Tech kicked some U of Miami ass tonight, and that's always good. next is UGA, and while it will be tough, I think the Jackets can pull it out... so.. TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!!

Well, I've nthing else much to say. There's not a lot of wild excitement going on. I mean I could go on and on about visiting Susan, and I will upon personal requests. But I'll spare the masses the details.

Now it's time to start working on my Christmas list Not things for me, but what to look at getting the freinds and family. I'm also contemplating actually putting on Christmas decor this year. I hope to see some of you fine people next weekend, I'll be in the ATL and, at times, available. SO call my people and we'll set up an appointment.


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