Current mood:awake
I'll skip that.
I'm sort of annoyed that the browntail coming back from IAD tomorrow is full. Don't they know who I am? And everything else seems to be full enough out of IAD and DCA to make the idea of the trip just too annoying. Sure I could fly into DCA, take a metro to the far end of the line, then a bus to the Museum, and to get back take the bus back to the metro station, ride that to Union Station. Followed by an Amtrak ride to BWI station, then figure out a way to get from there to the Brown building, which would probably involve a taxi. All this to peruse some airplanes for a couple hours.
Oh well, I don't suppose the museum is going anywhere.
It's been a while since I've pontificated here. Nothing to earth shaking has happened to me personally. Working, sleeping, Susan's house, etc... Though I'm waiting or the world to collapse around me from the economic disaster. I'm actually hoping the banks that are responisible for my credit cards fail, and they forget I owe them money. Unfortunately I seem to have picked reputable lending organizations, and they are buying other banks. SO much for my hope. Maybe the government will bail me out next.
Theres also a fury of presidential stuff happening, and I watched a debate last night. Interesting stuff. I still don't like either of them really. Oh well, I suppose once again it will be voting the lesser of two evils.
Otherwise, i got thing son the horizon that look like there could be some interesting times. I may be coming to a town near you. I also heard some good news from an old friend. Not my place to announce it, but it's kind of exciting and making me feel old at the same time.
Until next time, later!
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