Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It's about 7 AM and I feel like pontifiating. Ready the randomness:

I read a news story about a 90 year old woman who shot herself because her home of 38 years was going to be foreclosed. I do not want to make light of the injury of the woman (she did not die from her wounds), but theres lots of things in the story that really got to me. First, she lived in the house for 38 years... and now they foreclose? Oh wait, she took out a mortgage a few years back for something like $43,000, while at the time her house only appraised from $32,000 or so. (The numbers aren't exact, but roughly the numbers are in ratio). OK, so shame on her for taking out a loan well above her home value. And shame on the lender for giving it to her. And as if that's not enough to make one scratch their head, it was a 30-year mortgage. What kind of lender givers an 85 year old person a 30 year mortgage?? WOnder how we got in a home loan fix?

Next, I'm kind of annoyed at the person who took over from me at work tonight. SHe is some one who probably needs to retire. But after she accepted all the flights (and I logged off) she started asking about a NOTAM. I'll admit i didn't give much thought to that particular NOTAM (NOtice To Airmen, little blurbs that tell you whats not working or whats closed down at an airport, or region of sky) because it didn't matter much to the operation of the flight. O, so i pointed out there's no reason to worry about becue of a couple reason, but no she was singularly fascinated. While I admit I'm infallible, but don't cop attitude when you're not using all the resources.

OK, I'm over it. I dare her to write me up.

In other news, I bought new shoes and a battery for my car. Well, shoes were for me.

Now I think I need an omelette. Later

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