Monday, March 5, 2007

The day the music died...

mmmhmm, Easy mac!!

So its my 5th day today. I apparently signed up for overtime, and forgot about it until yesterday. That blows. Especially as I'm not making any extra cash for it at the time. It pretty much just sucks. Yes it sucks and it blows! Lets hope I can win the lotto.

So the apartment move is progressing right along. I'm staring around my own place, and thankfully I've managed not to accumulate a lot of large heavy furniture. I see myself donating a bunch of old clothes to some one who might want them. No reason to haul around clothes that don't fit anymore, and on the chance i did lose weight, they are out way out of style... me being so fashion conscious thats important.

So I finally caught an episode of this seasons Amazing Race last night, and it's good to see how ruthless and backstabbing people can be for a chance at some money. I wa skinda bummed the Kentucky bumpkins were eliminated... they make me laugh. And they seem like good people...

Talked to the parentals this week, and dad informed me I can get passes on Delta now. Woohoo. I'm thinking of taking a trip to Buenos Aires in the fall. Hopefully by then I'll have made some money and the rent reduction has kicked in to get me in better financial shape. I'm both looking forward and apprehensious of the roommate situation. I need to elarn to live with some one again, and no naked time with these roommates. Sorry Joe.

I've still got my eyes open for other jobs out there. I really felt like injuring myself to get out of work today. I just can't be bothered. I've even done 3 extra flight plans.. go me. That doubled my workload. Maybe I'll get an award. Doubtful, most likely I'll be given a discplinary letter for something.

I'm lacking enthusiasm... can you tell? Hopefully these days off I can get some road time on the bike, some court time, and some sunshine. I like sunshine, it makes me feel better... Oh, and I've been back in contact with a friend in Australia. I missed talking to her... we boh have similar disfunctions in life. Hopefully I can keep it up this time.

Oh, and some bonehead at work has ruined all our fun, no more streaming music or video. basically some one got busted watching TV instead of doing his work (and we have a suspicion who... and he's not already on my favorites list). Way to go, dumbass!!! Ruin it for everyone.

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