Saturday, March 10, 2007

clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right... here I am stuck in the middle with you

I've been trying to get this to work all night and type a wonderfully insightful blog while I whittled away the hours at work last night. I was completely unsuccessful. I'm home now, and early at that. My conscious about leaving early is getting to be less of an influence in my life. I guess I'm feeling being there is pointless. I've determined I could not show up tomorrow and nothing would be different, except Leslie may have to stay a little longer.

I guess this is what an unfulfilling job is like. Seems like such a waste of 10 hours, and I could be doing something much more constructive with my life. Like actually going out to Red Room for dancing on a Friday night. Blah, maybe the rumors will be true and big changes are on the way...

I had a good time last night with Grace and my adopted apartment family. They're so nice to take me in and feed me, lke a lost puppy. At least I don't pee on the floor (as far as they know). I hated leaving, mostly becaue I left alone.. and had to go grab about a 45 minute nap before going to work. On the upside, the streaming media seems to be back for the moment and I did manage to watch a episode of "Las Vegas".

All said and done, life really isn't that bad, and I really should feel more enthused about things. I just seem to be in a funk right now, and i nee to get out of it soon, maybe some time off and sunshine will help... and some good tennis time.

Well, I think I may attempt to find sleep for a little bit. No real plans for the next few days, not till Tuesday as far as I know...

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