Wednesday, November 29, 2006

where am I? and why am I here?

Well, I made it in safe and sound this morning. This job does have some perks, most involving getting the short line at the airport. Customs was charming as usual. But the ATL station folk were most helpful in getting me to my car... and bypassing some issues.

As you may have noticed i put up some pictures. There are more on my site (search for mellodees). I plan to put some more up when I get them from the other sources (RYAN!). I will reiterate it was a fun little jaunt.

Next.. looks like i'm off to Cologne, Germany on the 10th. My annual familiarization ride (also known as a free 4 day vacation). SO thats should be fun. I'm really into the travel these days. I don't know why... but it is long overdue. Theres some options for trips coming up that look interesting. I'm holding out for Grace to go to China, and maybe theres a chance for a trip to Cairo early next year too. I think my goal for next year is to complete my visits to all the continents (except maybe Antartica.. that ones tough). I really only have Africa and South America to go.

Perhaps I shoul go get a yellow fever shot just incase. Ethiopia is looking like a trip for next summer :-).

I think we all know how much I like to get out and see the world.

I really don't have much else to say. I'm settling back into the humdrum of normal life. At least I've gotten a good bit of christmas shopping done. I hope no one is expecting anything expensive.

well, ack to pretending to work... AMF!

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