Current mood:
So I had to fill out a form today and one of the questions on it was "religion?".. and I really didn't know how to answer. I asked why it matters, and apparently it's there in the event I'm killed in a war zone the proper buriel rights will be administered. That's comforting. I thought about putting different things just to see if the Department of Defense would go with it.. Zoroastrian, Scientoligist, Jewish-Aborigine, Jedi... but they don't have much of a sense of humor in the Pentagon so I just went with Christian.
So, random things. Walking through the casinos of sin city I was thinking about the random chances of me puting $5 in slot machine and leaving with a few million. Of course I probably wouldn't leave, I'd get a bigger room, a lot of Grey Goose, and the 2 hookers I saw in the lobby of my hotel (who asked me if i would like company... they were model hot). I assume $1 Million will pay for a lot of VD treatments, so what the hell.
But even when the slots would roll up a winning combination, and I walked with away $80 more than I came with, or when I was up $100 ona roulette game.. and then proceeded to lose it all. (I only started with $20 so its not like it hurt me alot)... I got wondering, what is this thing called "luck". Is it just some extra-sensory power certain people project that alters the randomness of the universe?? Or is it just a bunch of crap? There are entire discplines of mathematics that have been created to explain the randomness of events, most with the hope of predicting them. I took some of these classes in college, but I thought there were such nonsense.
But then again, lets say theres some order to the universe and we'll find some magic math equation to predict, say, how many times 13 black comes up on the roulette wheel. Of course, I could save the genius in the basement of the Math Building at Tech some trouble, and just tell them 13 black comes up exactly when I stop putting money on it.
While I do believe there is some order to the chaos around us, I don't want to think my future is predetermined, which a certain level of order would imply. There's too much evidence in physics and mathematics to say everything around us is the result of a random reaction or energy and matter, too much elegance and symmetry in the way the universe is put together. (I would cite specific examples but I haven't reading a lot of physics and math books lately... but I remember they're out there). So, that in itself would almost logically provide for the existance of something that controlled and created what's around us... God, Allah, Yahweh, whatever name you want to use.
And this is for JR, we won't get into the whole proof that God exists negates the existance of God argument... I will not be responsible for God's disapperance in a puff of logic.
So now that we've established that there's order to the universe... how do we explain the Chaos around us?? In the way that the Devil is the opposite of God, is chaos the opposite or order? I can't say i believe that, though some seem to praise God (or whatever supreme being they subscribe to) for positive random results and reactions while blaming Satan (or whatever ultimate evil being they may subscribe to) for the negative results and reactions. I for one don't buy it... you would saying God created the perfect ordered universe then Satan came and introduced Chaos and screwed it all up. But then God created Satan... thus order creates its own chaos. In a given time, the entire universe would eventually lose all order... and thats no fun.
So, lets go with this... the free will of the beings in the universe bring chaos to the order. For example... the universe has been created perfectly in harmony... and then I walk up and kill a bug... which was suppose to fertilize a flower, and now the flower fails to reproduce. That flower had a specific gen combination that would have led to a mutation that would eventually reesult in secretion of a chemical that would cure the common cold. And there you go, I'm responsible for billions of people having the sniffles. Yay me! I could have left the poor bug alone, but I decided to smash for no other reason then I just don't like bugs. My decision.
So those of you who have read this far are probably wondering what the hell is he smoking. Lets say I'm at work, theres nothing going on and I'm bored. The whole randomness thing came into my mind watching the dice roll and the roullette wheels spin. And then, while sitting at the airport in Denver (some place i never planned nor wanted to go, but decided to in hopes of making it home quicker - and did make home quicker proving the shortest disance between 2 points is not always a straight line), I ran into a girl who is one of the regular waitresses at the Taco Mac here in Peachtree City. How random is that?
Scary how my mind works sometimes. After proofreaidng the above, i could probably find some points to argue on.. but arguing with myself is no fun, though I always win. But if anyone wants to discussed the nature of life, the universe, and everything, feel free to stop by. But I know the answer already... it's 42.
That's it, I've typed enough for today. Happy Thanxgiving to all those out there celebrating. And let the mad rush to Christmas begin!
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