Current mood:mellow
So, I'm calling on all my good friends to go out and spray some aerosol or run your cars needlessly. Lets get that global warming thing going, because it doesn't seem to be taking hold. Oh wait, it's now called climate change, cause apparently not everything causes warming.
At any rate, since Monday we've had sleet, then snow, then more sleet, then freezing rain, then finally.. more snow. So outside, on most surfaces, there an 1/2" of ice covered with 2" of snow covered with another ice layer, and then 4-5" of snow. Not only has it seemingly shut down most the town, but t's really jacked up work. I got called in for OT today, and I trudged in about 0530 this morning. Luckily the roads were mostly just wet by this point, except my little street which was all slushy. The freezing rain overnight put a nice glaze of ice on most everything. And while prettyish to look at, its unnerving to hear trees cracking and falling over. Usually taking a powerline, or worse cable line, with it.
At any rate, I broke the shell of ice on my poor car, and let her warm up for about 30 minutes. Enough of the ice shell melted to make the rest easily broken up. I have to say, my 12 year old Honda is really soldiering on. I crank her up, let here warm up, knock off the snow and ice.. and head out. Only to jump the foot high pile of snow to park in front of the house. I imagine some melting needs to be accomplished before driving off again. The only flaw was a 4 foot crack in the windshield that developed Monday morning. But that has been since remedied.
Nothing new on the work front, and frankly I'm tired of thinking about it. It'll suck to be demoted and lose the pay, but I'll manage. I did it before. It may mean I have to cut back splurging on outings, and no more super sizing meals for Susan on dates. I think she'll understand, but that extra $.99 can break me :-p.
So, as I gazed out on the front glacier, um, I mean lawn, I was quite happy to discover I still have electricity amd cable. My lucky day! Lets hope it keeps up Tomorrow is supposed to be above freezing, so maybe some melting will occur and my car be freed. I'm not entirely sure how I got it parked where I did.
Well, I think that just about covers everything on any interest. Hope everyone is doing well. Be in touch!
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