Current mood:awake
Since this is the time of night that I am usually awake and at work, I am of course wide awake now on my night off. I was asleep earlier, more like just worn down and full. I crashed on the couch. Now it looks like I'll be up till the sun comes again. ON th upside, I did do something productive, I cleaned the bathroom and mopped the kitchen. (By mop I mean Swiffered). So now I'm awake and watching TV.
ANd about my TV, I made a small purchase in that area last week and finally have all the pieces put together and I think I have a fairly respectable home theater. I've moved my life into high definition. I don'tknow if anyone has made the switch, but the TV picture is like watching real life. I noticed this during the last World Cup while watching the same game on 2 different TVs, one was in HD, one not... You can't get a full idea of the difference until you have them side by side.
SO, in an effort to get my cable upgraded, I've gottn little sleep over the last couple days waiting on the Cable guy to come. Through a mistaken address and a just lack of paperwork by the provider, I finally had the box installed this afternoon. At least the cable people ehre are nice enough to give me a credit for both most appointments. And now here I sit.
In other news, there;s a little concer on the work front. Anyone who's seen any form of news media knows the economy is in the crapper by some ones definition. Thus, we are cutting back flights, and thusly cutting back the need for people flight contorlling. There's been no mention of a manpower reduction, but theres a chance I coul be sent back down to the minors. If not for the paycut that comes with it, I wouldn't be bothered. And even then I can manage on the lower pay, just will take longer to pay off balances I was working on. I should have some kind of clue in the next week how it's all going to play out.
Not much else is shaking in my world. We've gotten back to life after the holidays. I do prefer being on vacation so much more. It was a lot more fun spedning time with Susan and getting to hang out with some pals.
Through the miracle of Facebook, I've been reconnecting with a lot of old pals. Mostly from the Southwind Era, but som high school folks too. It's interesting to see how we've turned out. I notice the trend that most people are married and one their second child. Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, but then again I've a great time. There's not too much I would change around.
There's also been a Facebook group formed in honor of the Pharoah Deesenkhamen. Now I didn't build his page, but I'm very appreciative that Woff did. It makes me feel a little special, and we all need that every now and then.
Well, I'm gonna pop in a DVD or rent a pay per view or something to entertain msyelf till i fall asleep again. Maybe it'll wake the neighbors downstairs, suitable annoyance for their trepasses against me.
I've got nothing else to throw at y'all. Good night!
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