Current mood:optimistic
Well, the big stuff, we seem to have a new president. And there was a big parade. You can't have a new leader without a big parade. Luckily in this country, the big parade doesn't involve tanks rolling into you're capital and shooting at the old leader. While that makes for better TV, it's really kind of messy and should just be skipped. So, anyways, new president, yadda yadda. I have high hopes for the future and his administration, but we'll see. Some people say I'm a dreamer.
In more mundane news, I worked 11 days in a row last week. Well, over the last 2 weeks, it would be a real feat to work 11 days in a 7 day space. I'm fairly certain that I won't be doing that again for a while. I start getting a bit grumpy around day 6, and by day 8 I'm just tired of seeing most the people I work with. I did however score 2 double time days, so I'm looking forward to using those hours for something fun.
Add on top of the standard misery brought on my 11 continuous days of working the news I'm most likely going to lose my dispatcher status and return to the ranks of the assistants. And with that change I also lose 24% of my pay. Why? Well apparently the economy is bad and we're cutting flights, so less for us to do. And since we only made about $3 Billion (yes with a B) profit last year, we need to cut my salary by $15,000 to stay solvent. No, i'm not bitter... now wheres my table for one?
It wouldn't bother me as much if we were A) losing money and B) trying to run a decently efficient airline. But when you see your salary blown out the exhaust on a near daily basis, it kind of makes you want to run away to a tropical island and live day after day walking on the beach and snorkelling. Luckily, I know where there hiring for just such a position. I may need to borrow the TanJoe's video camera to create a video resume. Hopefully I want send them a special... personal... video of the TanJoe making.
So add to that Susan's been a bit under the gun with her job, things have been fairly craptastic (yes I stole that word from her) over the last couple weeks. I'm thus far not so impressd with 2009.
But, hey, we did get a new president and a big parade.
The point of hope on the Jamie not getting a ridiculous pay cut front is we have a new Tentative Agreement for a union contract at work, and one of the hopes was to create training and ATC jobs, so maybe I won't be downgraded just yet. However, we don't actually know what the TA says, and won't until Saturday (which kind of throws my weekend plans for a loop). The you have to vote it in, and that's no small feat.
So keep a finger crossed.
I've been hearing a lot on the news about "bloggers" and their reports/opinions/ideas/etc... and I'm wondering how those bloggers get TV time and I don't, and neither does anyone else I know who maintains a blog? Apparenly I need to do more self promotion so I can be mentioned, and maybe even interviewed, on Fox News. I, too, can be an "expert" on something!
I'm exploring collegiate options for finishing a degree. Why?? I dunno really, other than I want to be able to check the box on all the forms I have to fill out. I'm looking at Riddle, which holds a certain sense of irony considering how much I don't usually care for the arrogance of a Riddle grad. But at least its stuff I'm interested in (airplanes and running an airline). And I need to up my level of arrogance anyways.
I don't much else interesting to say. I'm down in BHM at the moment and passing the time while Susan herds kids. I'm feeling much more positive and relaxed just being here. The potential of a pay cut and continuing debt (how about a bailout COngress?!?!?) don't seem so bad with her around. And there's always that island job... would y'all come visit?
I'm looking for a big party soon, something that ends in hangover. I've been feeling kind of old and frumpy of late and could use a jolt of youthful dumbassery to keep me young... so some one plan something! And if anyone is interested, I'll be lending out space for Derby weekend should anyone want to come up. Make reservations now, Villa Dees fills fast.
That's about all I can think to type up, hopefully things will work out, I'm staying hopeful. Later!
(P.S. the subject line is the title of a song from a new U2 album, maybe a concert tour will come soon!)
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