Current mood:quiet
The night at work stared off promisingly enough. No bad weather, and by "bad" I mean anything I might have to take my feet of the desk for and explain to some one why the airplane didn't land (or did land but failed to stop). ANd allw as going well until a cluster in Seattle which had a pilot out of place who couldn't make his trip in Des Moines, which then required me to contact my flight from Anchorage to check if a different pilot was on that could fly the airplane in Des Moines to Louisville. Now by this point my fun meter i almost pegged and I've done way to much work (I'll leave out the other hunt for a different pilot to talk him into canceling his reserved jumpseat tomorrow, since he's already on his way home).
SO now we've discoved Captain Crunch (not his real name) was on said flight, time to divert them to Des Moines (which is incidentally pronounced Dess Moy-Naise). Well thats done, new info to the pilots, and then Captain Crunch calls in and uses the 'F' word to scheduling. Now, most of the world frowns upon use of the 'F' word, the one that is only 4 letters long. But a cew scheduler shrieks away in horror at a different 'F' for... fatigue. Oh well, so now all my work had to be undone, and I undiverted the plane from Des Moines.
All in all, much more work than I had planned on doing. I know, its rough being me. I missed the majority of Ace Ventura; Pet Detective during this whole debacle. The horrors.
But now, I'm home and hve a morning cocktail. I'm confused as to why Grace thinks my girlfriend may or may not exist. Either she knows something I don't, like Susan is planning to un-boyfriend me; or Susan is really not her cousin and just an elaborate hallucination that everyone has just played along with to make me feel better. If that's the case, who's apartment am I staying in when I go to Birmingham?
SO that was my night. Not a whole lot going on otherwise, just holding on until Christmas comes. I hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend, and get's teir shopping done. I at least have a plan for my retail expeditions... I just all the stuff I want to buy isn't gone when I get there.
I'm still working on the plans for the holidays and where I'll be and when, lots of details to iron out still.
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