Current mood:satisfied
I wish I could reconstruct what I wrote last night, but I really can't remember everything that went into it. But here goes:
It's been a couple weeks since I wrote and alot has happened. The world has gotten the answer to the all time great question "Seriously, who throws a shoe?". Apparently protesting Iraqi reporters. This is supposedly some huge insult over there. Well, we know I'm not the biggest fan of GW, but I gotta give him credit for quick reaction time. I'm less impressed by the Secret Service for not shooting the guy on site. I'm all for freedom of expression, but hurling loafers is above and beyond first amendment rights... plus its incredibly rude.
OK, so I spent last weekend at Susans. As always, I enjoyed the time with her. One of the highpoints was learning that after she lost battery power to her phone, she called into the GOC to ask my supervisor for my phone number. Apparently it's highly unlikely I have a girlfriend, but they gave it out anyway. I also had the opportunity to visit Tuscaloosa, and more importantly have lunch with Ms Linda (soon to be Mrs Linda) and her beaux. It was good to see here and talk and chat. We've not been able to have our annual "date" in Atlanta since I moved away.
I also started the Christmas shopping while in Birmingham. If only Susan had known one of her gifts was in my backpack most the time I was there, she would have been rummaging through it while I slept. I also picked up and started the Christmas card process. I managed to get an early start, which only means I forgot some folks. If you don't get a card from me, please do not take it personally. I may not have your address (everyone seems to have moved in the last year) or I may have just ran out of cards. It's not necessarily that I hate you or I don't like you.
I'm looking forward to the holidays and the time off, and the beach trip. I'm going to try to see alot of people when I'm in town. I feel a little down when I come into Atlanta and just run out of social time. It's not going to be easy with the family and holiday committments, but I do my best. I'm also hoping to make some NYE plans soon, and want to include everybody (and by everybody I mean people I like, not all the people in the city... I don't like all of them... some smell).
Work is going well, though apparently there's lots more activity this time of year. I don't necessarily mean a lot more boxes and flights (there are significantly inceased amounts of both), but a lot of people running around the GOC and in our office. We don't know who they are, don't know what they are doing, and they just seem to flutter about. Of the 4 different sections in the room, I'm always amused that the dispatch side is always darkened out. We don't have nearly the amount of desk lamps on as the other 3 departments. Maybe we're being more 'green' and saving energy, or maybe we've been kept in the dark so long we prefer it. The rest of the room is lit up like Vegas. I also find its a lot of noise and activity, and really doesn't seem to be that mush more going on to warrant it. Oh well, another week and it's over.
It was announced that Delta will start service to Sydney next summer. And that may be a potential vacation destination. I've already demanded buddy passes. If not SYD, then I would like to take a nice long holiday somewhere. Ryan suggested Athens and some surrounding Isles. I told him I have no inclination to visit UGA and Lake Lanier. Just kidding. That sounds very lovely. Something to think about.
Speaking of Ryan, there's a plus to him being on the opposite side of the world. He amuses me late at night with tales of foreign locales, and the idiocracy of the cookie pushers that ruin those locales. He's waiting now to head over to Gaddistan. Which is ironic since he was doing the same thing when I originally tried to write this last night. Whiskey Oscar Alpha runs only slightly delayed... so far 2 days.
That about covers it. I am almost done with Krimma shopping, including gift that will surely annoy my brother for a while. Be careful what you tell me your young daughter asked for, she might get it :-). Should I ever have kids, I'm sure they will seek revenge for my years of oud and harrassing gifts.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or Happy Hannakuh or Cheerful Kwanzaa. As I will be embarking on a journey this holiday season, and surely there will be lots of others with me, I hope people remember that shit happens. Don't get irate, don't get ugly. Just roll with it. in the end you'll get where you need to be. And most of all, don't blame Grace. It's not her fault! But feel free to tap her on the butt to get her attention, she loves it! And it is the preferred way to signal your need for a Cran-Apple refill.
Coming soon, the obligatory end of year reflection and new year resolution blog. I'll plan to keep making the same resolution as always. Live, love, eat, drnk, and be merry. And of course lose weight, learn another language, and learn to play guitar. I figure one year I may actually do it if I keep resolving myself.
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