Current mood:luminous
I spent a lovely few days with Susan, who very charitably took me in. As always, a most wonderful host. Everyone should take some time and go visit her! I like to think I treat her to fabulous dates when I'm there. SO this time, being no exception, I took her to one of my favorite dining establishments.... Chic-Fil-A. I spared no expense on dinner, offering the ability to value size her drink and waffle fries. Yes, I know... I'm quite a catch. It was very intimate dining experience. I highly recommend all you single guys think of Chic-Fil-A as a potential first date dinner location.
Of course, after this I tried to top the Chic-Fil-A (I know, almost impossible) for dinning experiences. So a return to the Melting Pot for dessert and drinks. I highly recommend the dessert there. And you can almost make it into a meal. I mean, who doesn't like pound cake, cheesecake, marshmellows, fruit, and Rice Krispie Treats?? And then dipping the above in melted chocolate.. yum!!
Ok, so now that I've covered the perfunctory "What I had to eat" blog section, lets delve into something more indepth. I would like to congratulate all my friends and fellow Americans on our new ownership of a insurance company! Yes, we seem to have bought AIG. The big question I know everyone is asking, will we get discounts on our car insurance??? I don't know, but surely ownership comes with some perks! Also, AIG own ILFC. Even though we all know who ILFC is and why we should care, I'll spell out my plan. As part owner of AIG, and thusly ILFC (which stands for International Lease Finance Corporation) who happens to be one of the largest lessors of airplanes in the world, I'm think we can get a good lease rate on a plane. You know, as part owners.
So i'm thinking we can pool our petty cash and get us a 747 for our personal needs. Jersey, tired of flying coach??? We'll give you your own room on board. Susan, not interested in paying for a ticket? Well now you have a plane at your disposal! Are your over the TSA Tanya?? No more security lines for us. And JoHnathon and Joe... how would you like to upgrade from the Barbie Dream jets to some real heavy metal??? Y'all can take turns being Captain! And finally, Grace, you can be the rude, obnoxious passenger you always wanted to be and harass our own personal flight attendants!
I think that since we own the place, we can get the owners discount!!!
Seriously, I really have no idea why everyone is panicking over these big banks going bust. I understand the people who are losing jobs and people who worked 40 years and put money in their stocks being pissed off, but a bunch of rich people who tell me the economy is fine but we need to spend Billions (yes with a B) to keep a bank afloat kinda are getting on my nerves. Maybe I'm taking a simplistic view.
I wonder how much debt I have to rack up before the government bails me out... I should be getting close... except I'm paying it off now like a responsible person.... silly me.
OK, that's enough drivel for now. I've covered the political soapbox portion of the blog.
I think I've typed enough for one night, I'm tempted to sleep with the lights on t just enjoy it. I know, I'm probably going a bit over board with the whole power outage thing, but you really don't know just how much something like electricity plays in your life until its gone, and not for a few hours, but for a few days. Trying to imagine living without such conveniences is no fun, if I was told we have to go back to roughing in the wild and living with electricity, running water, air conditioning, heat, microwave meals.. I'd probably let out a resounding "Awwwh Hell Nawwh", cover myself in honey and wait for the bears to take me.
Its time for some le sleep... later
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