Current mood:indifferent
I have just returned from an airline weekend in Atlanta. It was essentially an apartment family reunion. Tuesday night we informed TanJoe that we would be coming over for dinner, we being Grace, JoHnathon, and I. Along with various other folks. Charity put in a guest appearance, along with some people I didn't know. After we informed Tanya we would be having dinner and drinks there, we (by we I mean Grace, I was napping) informed her we would also require lodging for the night. So it became a slumber party. We watched scary movies, braided each others hair, had pillow fights, and played light as feather stiff as a board.
OK, we really just hung out and had cocktails and dinner. Grace made "haystacks," a dish inspired by JoHnathon's life experiences and youth in Nebraska. It's apparently a taco salad without the giant taco bowl. At any rate, it was a fantastic dining experience. I really enjoy going to Tanjoes, not just because I get to spend tie with that total hottie Joe and my mistress Tanya (well, I guess since she's the married one I'm the male version of a mistress... a Mister?), but I get to play with Mac and Mandy. Mac has grown rather large and is still such a playful puppy. Hard to believe how small he was when he first came to visit. And Mandy has grown more friendly, to me at least. She likes to come up and shamelessly place her chin on you and give you that "please pet me" look. And of course you do pet her because you can't resist the cuteness.
On Wednesday, after sleeping in we met Amie and Charity for lunch. It was a very yummy place in PTC I had yet to visit, something about artisan pizza. Of course none of us had pizza, but we did have some very yummus hummus. That evening Grace, JoHnathon and I met Jersey at Taco Mac, and later I was joined by Sheri and the former boss, Ed. The final three of us discussed politics and airline operations over several beers. I wish I could have spent some more time with Jersey, we haven't hung out nearly enough.
I did learn that Taco Mac now has a prize for getting to 1000 on the beer list. So once again, I have a goal in life!!! Only 644 to go.
Thursday, i sent Grace off to work, and returned back to bed. Later, I got the bike out. I was very happy that she cranked right up. After doing some checking of the equipment, I ventured out for a ride around northern Henry County. Stopped by and visited mom at work for a minute, then ran across Goodie who was playing cop. I sped by him and gave him the finger. That's definitely one way to get a cops attention. Of course, I'm lying. We met in downtown Stockbridge to chat for a moment. It' amazing how much that small town has changed. Not necessarily all for the better.
That afternoon I hung around the mom's house until I had to whisk off to collect Grace. She promptly informed me she had much better things to do then spend time with me and threw me out of the car to find my own way home. Apparently her and Amie are conspiring in the hate for me. OK, so that's a lie too.
After a flight home, where I had to endure the captain talking about how much fuel he really needs to land and how we dispatchers are all trying to kill him. So, I skipped the step of shorting him fuel and just smite hime.. down right there.
OK another lie, I needed some one to fly the plane back.
And now, here I am. I had int'l recurrent class this morning. It was riveting. I did however find an envelop last night when I got home with a nice check in it for me. That significantly improved my mood.
That's really about it. I'm going to go do some laundry and continue to think about cleaning the apartment. My next days off I'm either working OT or going to see Susan. It's tough to not go see her, but it's also hard to get $500 of pay. I apologize to thse I didn't get to see this last trip thought Atlanta, and we'll endeavor to get together next time.
Everyone have a good weekend
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