Friday, July 6, 2007

The liver is evil and must be punished!

And you can call me the punisher. The last few days have been a bit over the top with the partying. With the holiday and accompanying parties, the days by the pool, the nights out and about, and the meeting new friends and seeing old ones, its been a great week. Then there's the celebratory events that accompanied the new job announcement. And of course keeping a good friend happy and well lubricated for a couple days.

So, other than that, It was great to see my friend Nolan. First ime in 6 years. And for all the crap some of the guys u to give me for keeping contact with a young lady like herself... all I can say is HAHAHAHAHA cause she's hot now! And well, still too young for me, and still very much a little sister type person. But she's now interning in Atlanta for the summer and I'm hoping we can get together before I have to start making the journeys to Lousiville. Its nice to her all grown up and very determined young lady. She's gonna go a long way.

Also met a new and interesting person. Grace's cousin, Susan, came up and graced us with her presence. What is so funny, is she is good friends with my good friends Brooke and CHrissie (AKA Bopsy and Flopsy) of Southwind fame. It can be a very small world. Add to that Nolan and Susan knw many of the same people also.

At any rate Susan was a lot of fun and I hope to see more of her in the future.

I'm thinking the initial housing dilemma for the Louisville job is solved. FOrmer Co-worker from world has a 2 bedroom apartment I can crash at until I figure out what I want to do about the living/moving situation. Thats a releif for the moment. I do need to look for a second car maybe to base in SDF.

At any rate, this will be probably be the alst of the big partying for me for a while, as I need to conserve money and budget.

And I know i've been kinda slack about getting back to some people about making plans to hange out. I do apologize and as soon as I get a schedule I'll make sure theres some hanging out time. But until my life comes out of the flux its in, please be patient.

Alright, it seems to be movie night at the Casa de Tres Hombres... so i'm off to watch it and allow my body to dry out. I had my pre-employment pee in a cup test this moring. I'm kind of wondeirng what proof it will come out as. Hope everyone is well, and I'll be seeing everyone as much as can in the near future.


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