It's a cold Saturday night here in Louisville, there's a blanket of snow on the ground. And for a swinging bachelor like myself, that means spending the night adding my latest acquisitions to the HRC pin collection. Since a fantastic person made the display case for me a year ago, I've collected a few more pins that needed to be added.
The latest additions came from Washington, DC, Baltimore, Chicago (one form the cafe and one form the hotel), Ho Chi Minh City, and Minneapolis. These join the other 29 that were prviously on display. Most of which I've been to at some point in my live long world tour. A few were brought to me via adventures of close friends. All tend to evoke a memory or two. A brief summation, top to bottom, left to right.
Top center:
Washington DC: This was a gift from one Amy Hayes, a high school friend and fellow Southwind alum. One of the first pins to ever come my way from a trip to Washington she took in the mid 9o's.
second row, left to right:
Nashville: Gift from Erika and Brian from their trip to see DMB at Vande
Memphis: another Erika and Brian gift. A fun favorite of mine, a guitar case that opens up.
Barcelona, Spain: A gift from Grace, a fellow world traveler who always brings me something fun, SHe was there visiting her brother this time I think. I'll have to go check out BCN myself soon.
Surfer's Paradise, Australia: Finally one I got myself. Spent a day there on a beach after a spurrof the moment "weekend" trip to Brisbane. The only time I ever held a Koala.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Another Grace acquisition. I need to get to BA. She was down for a weekend of partying and Tango's with a friend.
Key West: First stop on my first cruise, sailing the seas with Chrissie Whatley (now pond). I was on a boat!
Nassau, The Bahamas: Second cruise with Grace, Charity, and Tanjoe. it rained the whole time we were there, but Sr Frogs was fun that night...
Cologne, Germany: my last "familiarization ride" with World. Spent 3 days in CGN in December. I discovered Glühwein and Christmas markets. Good times on the Rhein.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands: From my first trip abroad. AMS was the final stop on a mini Eurotrip. Eye opening and started a travel spark.
Third row, left to right:
Paris, France: Ever been on a date to the Eiffel tower??? It's great. Same trip as above, and the first time in a on English speaking country. Somehow I managed great conversations.
Baltimore: A recent acquisition from a day spent with Jennie (Mills) Wisener. Another great day with a good friend
Chicago (cafe): "Weekend" trip with Jersey, though I've got a long history in that town.
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet-F'n-Nam: Lasted of my international forays and great time with great friends... and a blast!
Melbourne, Australia: First trip down under, when I fell for an entire country and few specific Aussies.
Minneapolis: The latest one, been there several times and spent some memorable nights in the town with Chandra, my first roommate.
Washington, DC: The most recent trip to our nations capital. A day spent viewing history, and moving on from mine.
Fourth row, left to right:
Bangkok, Thailand: A fun filled adventure with Grace, and another great place I hope to get back too very soon.
London, England: Well, I've been there, but this one came via Jennie Mills on a senior trip (I think). This one goes way way back. I think she felt bad for getting my car stuck in a Montgomery hail storm
Boston: I think this i the oldest one I have. Acquired my last year of marching Southwind at DCI finals in 1994. Who remembers being lost in downtown Boston??
Bahrain: Another World "Fam Ride" destination, who doesn't want a weekend in Bahrain (there for 36 hours with Ryan)
Destin: An Erika and Brian gift. They're so nice to bring these home for me... it's repaid in shot glasses.
Fourth Row, left to right:
ATL: Where the players play. You'd think I'd got one of these early, but in truth it's only been about 4 years ago that i got it. I think this was acquired NYE with Jersey and Sean.
Cozumel, Mexico: Second stop on the cruise with Chrissie and friends. The worlds smallest HRC.
New York, NY: his one goes back a while. My first trip to NYC with Arian. WHen I discovered I heart NY.
San Antonio: Never been, but I hear it's a fun place. Thanx again Grace.
Chicago (hotel): Spent a couple days with Jersey, as mentioned earlier. Had a great time and she was a gracious host in Sweet Home Chicago.
Bottom Row, left to right:
Dublin, Ireland: Spent a day there on a "fam ride" for World. That entire trip can be summed up in one word... Guinness.
Kuwait City, Kuwait: Who doesn't take a weekend trip to Kuwait?? SPent some time before Thanxgiving one year hanging with Ryan and (fellow dispatcher) Leslie on her "fam ride." I may or may not have ever "legally" entered the country.
Louisville: My new home town. The HRC here does some fun concerts, including a free BNL show.
Macau, China: these next three are part of the Hard Rock hotel and Casino Grand opening set. Macau was one of the stops on my around the world trip in 2009.
Hong Kong, China: Love HK. One of my favorite world cities. I've stopped through there 3 times now for a day, and one ime for a few days of sight seeing. I highly recommend a visit.
Austin: Never been, this was a "get one free" when I bought some stuff in ATL. I'll have to check it out sometime.
Las Vegas: Sin city!!! I've been going there since I was a kid, and love it. Lot's of good memories there... and fuzzy memories. Looking forward to the next trip.
That's it, but it's a collection in progress as I get more of the world under my belt. ANd this is a wild Saturday night in the ville. I also finished moving all my blogs over from Myspace tonight. Very productive. That's it, look for something more literary soon.
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