Current mood:hungry
My first week as an official brown dispatcher is over, and how eventful it was. I've gotten to be part of an irregularity report (not my fault, I just dealt with it), missed a NOTAM I should of read and used an airport that didn't like us as an alternate, and dealt with tropical storms and a volcano. But as my old boss once said, no one died, so it was a successful day in the airline business. The highlight though are the fine people a NRT (Tokyo) who refer to me as Dispatcher Dees San. I kind of like the sound of that and I'm thinking of requiring that everyone address me as Dees San.
And in more important news, I discovered the cafe (and hookah lounge) near my place is not onl open 24 hours, but serves a full bar 22 of them (4 AM- 6 AM is off limits for some reason). SO yesterday, after getting off work from a particularly annoying night at 0615, I had pancakes and a beer. I think this is is a great discover with much future potential, especially since pancakes, eggs, and hash browns come for under $5.
I'm also becoming a fan of Southwest airlines, not only do they fly non-stop from SDF to BHM (i know, its a stretch for non stop flying, but they have the technology). But they also have seatbelts that fit, go close to on time, and are really good for me to jumpseat on. No offense to my delta connection family, but they're way nicer.
And since I'm off middle of the normal persons week now, I'm thinking everyone else should change their schedules to suite me. So now, everyone will be required to be off Tues-Thurs and refer to me as Dees San. I am thinking of dropping into the ATL area next week, so plan accordingly for my visit.
Oh, and since no one cares. I'll give you an update on Ryan's whereabouts. He's been in Moscow since last week, and best I can tell been standing in line for the McDonalds there until yesterday. Luckily he's there just in time for the new cold war to start. First the middle east, now Russia. I think we all need to keep an eye on him and report anything suspicious he does to the proper authorities.
Well, I've finished my coffee and I'm getting a little hungry. Later
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