Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i'm tired of cold weather, bring on the spring time

I seem to have gotten out of Louisville just in time. The snow was falling as I boarded the 737 to head west. Because I have a jb with a horrible schedule and I'm was too stupid to not call in sick, I went out to Oklahoma (where apparently te wind comes sweeping down the plains) to have late birthday fun with Grace. And fun we had, maybe too much! I would post pictures but the iPhone doesn't take good ones in the dark

SO my first time in Oklahoma was memorable, and I made a much needed return to COyote Ugly saloon. The bartenders as always were charming and entertaining (and by the ned of the night only wearing bra's... love bar top slip and slide!). After that we were led to an Oklahoma style gay bar. As always, they provide amusing entertainment and conversation. Even while still mentally picturing bartenders dancing and sliding on a bar in skimpy clothes. Yup, definitely straight.

The last week or so has been trying. I have imbibed more than probably is healthy, just due to timing and circumstances. I had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out, if only to feel a bit craptastic in the morning. But I don't mind that much, I was able to function and managed to find time for elipticals, treadmills, and gym machines. Speaking of gym, people who slam down the weights to hear the loud clang are annoying. I know it's not your equipment, but don't abuse it. I bet it's same people who get pissed when their favorite machine has the out of service tag on it... wonder why???

Work is... well. I feel like I'm getting to one fo those points where I may be looking for a change. Sometimes I ponder moving to another career field, but I don;t have a lot of skills to draw on. Then I thought today as I was flying from Oklahoma how much my life would be impacted without out flying privileges. I suppose that's the trade off I have to weigh. EVen the possibility of moving to another job doesn't seem all that thrilling. Well some might be fun but I don't see Qantas hiring me and paying for a relocation down under. But I can dream right?

There's some talk being discussed about possibly doing some things to save jobs and keep me from taking a pay cut. So, we'll see how that works out. Lately though I've become overly apathetic about the whole situation. Not a mindset I relish, but I'm pretty much just over the whole thing. I'm, unfortunately, not in an optimistic state of mind.

In other news, I just finished a really delicious salad from Mellow Mushroom. That makes me a little happier just having food in my belly. Ad I'm in Atlant just releaxing and recovering from last nights festivities. I'm hoping to see the usual suspects over the next couple days. It always helps my mood. ANd now, time to sleep.


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