"No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater than central air"
That's almost how I feel today. After spending a lot more time than I like without air conditioning, I'm just content sitting inside and doing nothing. And enjoying the miracle of 72 degree air. By the way, I'll buy a beer for whoever can name the movie and character who said that, no googling aloud.
It's been about a week since I've been blogging, and boy has it been exciting. The air conditioning in my apartment kicked off Monday morning not to return until Wednesday. It's been a long time since I've had to sleep in ridiculous warmth. It didn't help that this week I've been working midnights. So add the normal issues I have sleeping during the day to the added bonus of a 90 degree room temperature. If you ever get the chance to experience that, don't. It reminded me of my drum corps days when we had no a/c in most the places we were housed. I however was more resilient in my youth, and now I seem to be much more complacent and wimpy about it.
However, that episode passed. Once we found an electrician ho could replace the breaker, I had full power and cool air. Though it was interesting that the lights would dim whenever I toasted a bagel.
The rest of the week was fairly uneventful. I continued my training and Thursday night I was signed off to dispatch brown airplanes to Central and South America. One more portion of the world to go and I'll be fully qualified. And more importantly I'll be getting a raise. It has also dawned on me that I'm in the last phase of having weekends off work. I start transitioning to working weekends starting next week. That's going to require a little bit of a lifestyle change. Not so much for me, but everyone else who wants the pleasure of my company.
In other news this week, I made it to the doc for him to tell me the results of a recent theft of blood from my body. Amazingly, I seem to be in decent health. For some one who pretty much eats fried anything through the car window more than I care to, I'm doing ok. There are a couple of minor things, but no big deals. Seems I'm going to live. It also keeps me a little inspired to cut back on the fast food and cook at home. I've been doing pretty good on for the most of the month. Though at the end of the month I seem to run out of food and have some aversion to grocery shopping. For some reason, grocery shopping is one of the least fun things I can think of.. and I don't know why.
Though I seem to be sore today. My arms, chest, legs, and feet hurt. I know why, and I'm surprised that the soreness resulted from the activities I've been engaged in. And its sort of pay back for being a nice guy I guess. I came home Thursday from Border's to be asked for help by a neighbour. She had a large, heavy TV she needed moved. So being the swell person I am, I said sure. Turns out it needed to be moved down the steep stairs, and to the waiting Suburban across the street. I hope she was moving and not stealing it, but nevertheless I helped carry it down.
The legs and feet come from my Friday excursion. I awoke about 2 pm and set off to downtown Louisville. I thought I'd go have lunch, a few beers, and then get in early for the nights Dave Matthews Concert. Well, I went down and found some parking, just a few blocks from the stadium. One thing about Louisville I like is it's cheapness in compared to Atlanta. For example, I paid $25 to park at Lakewood last month. I paid $5 here.
Since I was bored and hungry, I walked a mile or so to 4th Street for lunch. There's a nifty english pub there, cleverly named The Pub. So I sat up at the bar, and realized it wasn't much cooler in there than outside. I know times are tough and we're all trimming costs, but seriously turn the AC on. I was then informed by the bartender their AC was out and being worked on. Oh well, I was there, i was going to be outside all day, I might as well deal.
The bartender seemed to be bored, given the lack of patrons. ANd we had a nice conversation. He enlightened me to the news that Louisville is having a Jazzfest next summer at Churchill Downs. It's being put on by the people behind the new Orleans Jazzfest and its said that they have booked some pretty good folks in already, including Carlos Santana, Jimmy Buffett, and Van Morrison. Now I realize this could been all BS, but if it happens, this could be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it.
After I finished a couple beers and a really good salad (with cranberries and mandarin oranges), I walked the mile and half back to the stadium. I did stop on the way and purchase a large bottle of water. Did I mention it was hot? I also was overflown by a formation of fighters. Since the approach to SDF comes in right over downtown, an airplane overhead is no big deal. But I could tell by the engine sound these weren't your standard QR-19445.6 passenger planes, but were the military type that fly fast, look hot, and blow shit up.
I continued to the stadium, and even though the gates didn't open for a couple more hours, there was a line around the corner to get it. I'm apparently just not dedicated to getting up early and standing in line all day for concerts anymore. Instead, I went inside to the brew pub and had a couple more beers while I waited. A co-worker bought the extra ticket I had was going to meet me there. She was late, so I continued to enjoy the AC. Once she arrived, we headed into he heat and concert atmosphere. Unlike your normal amphitheater, this was being held at Louisville Slugger Field. The stage was set up in center field, with General Admission being in the outfield. SO we found a nice spot in front of the sound booth and settled in for the evening.
Opening for DMB this time was Willie Nelson. Yes, the guy who's been singing and writing music for 40 years is the opening act. It was cool to see, and I can check that off the list of things to do in life. As the sun set, the band came on. there was rocking, there was dancing, there was singing. A general good time. I lost my "date" early in the set. Oh well. I managed alone. Plus there were fun people around me. Unlike the Atlanta show, I wasn't completely surrounded by teens smoking pot. I actually only got a whiff of second hand smoke once or twice.
I did very much enjoy the show, and its been a pretty decent week all in all. This coming week is more of me on the midnight shift. And really not much else going on. I'm feeling a little bit of wanderlust set on. I want to go somewhere, and soon hopefully I'll be able to afford traveling again. I didn't get a big adventure in this past summer, or even a beach trip. Maybe in the fall I can get away for a weekend... oh wait, i work those now. Well, an airline weekend (Tues-Thurs).
That's about it, I'm off to do not much of anything. And I'm going to enjoy it.