Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So I was sitting in a bar in Tasmania

The subject came up last night about telling stories about past experiences and trying to not sound like you're bragging and gloating. That's something that I've been conscious of in the past, and I do sometimes feel that talking about some things I've done or places I've been it sounds like I'm a bit full of myself. Though I may be, I'm not trying to sound that way. So that being said, I was told by Jen after relaying an expereince that I should always start any rememberance with "I was sitting in a bar in Tasmania" just because it sounds cool.

This came up when one of our duty managers was relaying some of his long aviation history. And being one of the most humble people I know, we all knew he wasn't bragging. And even with my own limited humility, if I had flown across the Atlantic 4 times in the Concorde, a couple times with invitations to the flight deck... I would have it printed ona t-shirt so everyone would know. I'ma bit of an aerosexual like that. Grace has her beautiful blue KAL Boeing 747-400, but for pure sex appeal, the Concorde will go unmatched amoung commercial airplanes.

Yes I said sex appeal in relation to an airplane.

OK, now for serious business. "They" announced today that DMB tickets for Peidmont Park go on sale on saturday, June 2, at 10 AM. However, there is a presale that starts thursday, May 31, at 10am. To find out how to be part of the pre-sale, head to for directions. Basically you have to sign up for the free newsletter.

And incase DMB wasn't enough to bring you out to the park on a lovely fall evening, the Allman Brothers will be opening. And that's just good stuff. Apparently there are two different prices, $45 for the general admission, $250 for the VIP packages. I'm going with th e $45. I woud love to have lots of company for the day, so everyone break out you Visas and order some tickets.

That's about it really, I have a few things going on and hoepfully I'll be a little less stressed out by the weekend. I'm off to watch some educational TV. And I've found that I really do not Love Raymond... I can't stand him.

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