Sunday, May 18, 2008

I was dreaming when I wrote this

I started writing this blog earlier, and lost interest. It was jsut recapping the event s of the weekend, and really came to the realization that most my recent postings have been all about what i've been doing. So, I'll just say this about the weekend, it was an incredible amount of fun and I hope I get more visitors soon.

We took in some advance Louisville culture, and enjoyed it immensely. I mostly enjoyed having the company. Grace and TanJoe were the best guests, and I think the had a good time, even if we were kind of late every where we tried to go. It was a great reminder of how wonderful my friends are, and how luck I am to have great friends.

Unfortunately I do get kind of slack about keeping in touch with some old friends, and I do hate that. It sucks that the real world and trying to live life has got in the way of keeping in touch. But since none of us are all independently wealthy, it's a necessary evil. SO it's these times I really enoy and I long for, now more than ever. And I'm also trying to convince people to move to Louisville to make me happier. I think I made a convincing sales pitch to Tanjoe and Grace, and previously to Susan.

This weekend did seem to be wedding themed. Not jsut that that Grace and Tanya played outstandingly at a friends wedding (I base the music critique on the ractice session I observed, me and Joe went off searching for beer and adventure wile the ceremony was going on. We found Ft Knox and for a short moment thought about pulling a heist. Then we decided beer was a better idea). After the wedding, we must have observed about 20 bachelorette parties and remains of wedding parties out that night. And a close friend of mine became engaged. Seems to be something in the air.

Kind of makes you think.

And for the more mundane stuff, seems I'm not getting upgraded in the near future at work, since the missing lady came back to work. Oh well, in time.

Back to the more mundane, seems the upgrade at work is pushed further back. At least I'm getting to do some training and will eb qualified when it come sup, assuming I pass the three day test. Ugh! Not looking forward to that.

Otherwise, without getting into specifics, a good time was ad in the Ville. Everyone should com check it out, and soon! Well, its off to laundry to get ready for the coming week. Later kids

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