Sunday, March 7, 2010

Smell the sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic

It's becoming a Sunday night ritual. After a day of sleeping not nearly enough, I wake up groggy and debate with my internal voice the merits of staying in bed for a few more hours instead of getting up and hitting the gym. I usually decide on the gym. Then the hour of so of treadmill/elliptical/bike time i followed by catching up on the DVR from the past week. Once boredom sets in there (usually takes about 45 minutes) I walk the three blocks to Heine Bros. and have a cup of the coffee of the day (today is Rwandan) and pontificate on the world.

It's not Starbucks's, but more unpolished and little more funky. Part of the fun is watching the variety of people I pass on the street. No one seems to fit into the same pigeon hole that you can say this is a neighborhood of (insert adjective here). I pass by emo-esque twentysomethings with their envelop of darkness, hippy types with long dreadlocked hair and flowing peasant skirts, middle aged doctor types couples out for dinner at one of the plethora of dining establishments, and to cap it off.. the guys on Harley's and custom choppers riding down the street.

The neighborhood has quite a cross section on humanity meandering about. I even get to see something nefarious from time to time (tonight it was young kids, 12 maybe, paying an older unkempt gentleman to for something they probably shouldn't have). But it's still a funky little neighborhood and I'm happy to be staying here another year (for now).

It's looking likely that I'm not going be demoted to the ass. dispatcher this year. But instead, I'll be given a relief position. It's an uncertain schedule that changes at the whimsical, if not totally illogical, desires of the company and the admins. So, this could be fun sometimes (long stretches of off days) or miserable (long stretches of working varying shifts). Oh well. Il est ce qui est il.

In other news, I have a new pair of glasses, which I'm currently not wearing. I was somewhat disappointed the first day I got them, I couldn't tell any improvement. However, now I can as I type this without them one. I suppose once I get used to them they'll be OK. I'm not a fan of having something else to keep up with me.

The gym thing is ok, though I see to be on a plateau for the moment. Granted, I shouldn't be to down about since the plateau is around the -90 lbs mark. That's well ore than I thought was possible when I started this endeavor a year ago. I'm hoping for a few more pounds so I can fit better in the shorts I bought the other day. I suppose when I get back from vacation I can be more rigid about things. I've hit a certain lack of discipline of late. But the improving weather makes it easier to get out of bed and go outside. Let's hope it keeps up.

And most importantly, tomorrow I'm off on holiday. Two weeks and then some away from work!!!! Add to that the bonus of a short aunt to the far side of the world. THis should be very fun! Well, once I get there. The 30 hours of transit is probably going to be a pain, but like all good journeys, the end justifies the the trials and tribulations of getting.

It's the 30+ hours coming back that sucks worse, since there's no fun mystery waiting when you land. instead it's back to work. I only have a few specific goals for this trip. I want to spend an unreasonably copious amount of time on a beach doing nothing that doesn't involve lounging with a cocktail and more importantly, I want to ride an elephant. I think I can make this work.

Well, that's about it. My eyes are hurting and I'm getting hungry. The short walk home passes several fine dining options I pass up all the time. I need to eat at more of these places. I'm kind of in the mood for Thai food... i suppose that can wait a couple days thought :-)

Look forward to occasional dispatches from over there. I'll have my phone with me but don't expect me to answer. If anyone needs me, texts will work best (since that are a fraction of a phone call charge). Now I just gotta get through one more night of work...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found out something about work. It stinks not knowing. Have a great trip!
