Current mood:accomplished
I always feel like I'm slighting some one when I go to Atlanta. There's never enough time or matching schedules to get in the amount of socializing I need to do. And unfortunately the same people always seem the get the short end of time with Jamie. I'm really trying to be better, but all you "normal" people that work monday through friday don't help. I did enjoy all the time and friends I was able to see, and I wish I could have gotten together with more.
I'd like to thank Gracey for being a fabulous host, and J for doing the same. I arrived bright and early Tuesday morning in desparate need of a nap. I was whisked from the HJIA (which apparently is the preferred abbreviation since ATL is to well known and doesn't pay homage to all the people who have a name on the building) to J's high rise apartment where I crashed in a very comfortable bed with fantastic sheets and luxurious comforter (perhaps I need to turn off the Queer Eye and HGTV decorating shows). Who ever picked that stuff out has good taste. I spent the week just doing a lot of random nothing with lots of good friends. It was good to visit with Amie, both at the bar in her BF's building and at chic-fil-a while she watched her "child" sley dragons in the play ground.
I stuffed myself on La Parilla with Jersey and Grace, watched the tornadic weather out the windows at Taco Mac with Ed, Sheri, Grace, Tanya, and CHarity with beer accompaniment for good measure. Luckily Charity made it home through the fallen trees and blocked roads. I'm assuming Tanya made it no problem since she cancelled her trivia outing the next day to spend time with Joe. I wanted to spin time with Joe and that... woman is keeping him from me. I think she may be jealous of what we have together.
We did make a triumphant return to Thursday night trivia at the bar formerly known as B-52's. But woe, our triumph was short lived when the sports categor was announced. But it was a fine time. We even dragged Mr. Jones away from his "SHoot Em in the Face" game and let him be a social creature.
Friday, I jetted off on the long air journey from ATL to BHM. Yes I know, i was a masterful feat of aviation that allowed me to traverse such great distances. I made it safely, and was spared from riding in the oh so comfortable cockpit jumpseat of the CRJ900. I got the last seat in the back and we head off into the sunset. Well, it wasn't quite setting, but it was headed that way I'm sure.
Susan, rescued me from the airport, and we went off to run some errands, pick out a tie, and find sustenance. She found me a wonderfully stylish te to wear to her school gala. It was great seeing her on a weekend and not have to worry about the 6 AM wake up. Saturday night, we ventured to the Vestavia Hills COuntry Club for the 2009 Gala. And while we were ecrtainly not underdressed (Susan looked Faaabbbbbuuuulous), we were not nearly as pretentious as some that attended.
Here's the part where I tell you about the angry part. The gala included a silent auction of many different and random things, and the one that caught my eye was a 7 night stay at a home on Key Largo. IN a nice beach community with lots of fun aorund it, and a short drive to Key West. I want to visit Key West sometime for more than a few hours. It looks like a fun place to kick back and party one's posterior off. And the bid on this particular item was very reasonable. So I ponied up some money (it's for charity after all, gotta think about the children) and put in a high bid right as the auction was finishing up. I mean the lady was literally pulling the sheet from my hands. And at about $100 a night, I was stoked.
However, some one seems to have slightly more clout than I and was able to whisk my vacation away and drive my dreams into the ground with a spiked heel. I'll just say this. This person probably doesn't read my blog, but they know who they are, they know that what they did was dishonest and reeks of a lack of personal integrity, and that makes me sad for you.. It's not the losing the really aggrevates me, it's the disingenious way it happened. May you be inflicted with a very painful jelly fish sting with no one around who will pee on you.
OK, so moving on. I left Susan Sunday morning and was very sad. I hate leaving her, and it was made even worse that I had a great week and weekend before hand that was ending. BUt we did look nice all dressed up.
Other goings on, it seems I'm slated for another year of working weekends and midnight hours. That wasn't ideally what I wanted, but it beats the 24% pay cut. The other downer is I have to go back to domestic desks, which ar emuch more tedious and lack the challenge of the international desks. But oh well, being a weekend midnight shift means I should have lots of free time at work. What to do???
Well, I've decided it may be time to go back to school and work on a degree. So I applied to the local campus of (and this hurts to admit) Embry-Riddle. After so much time of making fun of riddlers, looks like I'll be joining their ranks. I'm waiting now for my transcripts to show up and see how much I have to take. I hopefull will be some reasonable hours transferred, on top of the 1 credits I get for having a dispatch license. And while not the most ideal degree, it is a degree and I'll have the "receipt". And then, maybe I'll do something else that seems like it may interst me. So, here goes nothing.
I was also alerted at work with the news that we get a killer discount at one of the local fitness places. It's basically the people who took over and modernized all the Gold's Gyms in the Louisville area. And for less than $10 a month, I figured what the hell. So I'm joining. I just need motivation, and thats where all you people come into play. Motivate me!
Membership doesn't start for a couple weeks, but I'm looking forward to feeling better. Not old and tired.
There's nothing much else to pontificate about. I'm looking forward to some upcoming events, and hoping that folks will come up for Derby. I think it will be a good time. Plus Susan i coming up for a few days soon :-). It's about time :-p
I'm off to Target for socks and pots. Later!