Current mood:
Am i the only one who feels some times I'm way to connected to the world? For example, I have a cell phone that connects everywhere I go, in 120 different countries (with the exception theres no service in my apartment... but on the middle of Loch Ness, 5 bars... go figure). And then theres the massive internet connections, I have 2 laptops and a wireless network inside my 600 squarefoot apartment. because a 30 foot ethernet cord (i had one once upon a time) is just too unsightly and not cutting edge enough. I can be reached by phone or email, and probably e-fax (if i knew how to set it up on my cell phone) anytime day or night... should anyone decide to call or text message. Yet i am the most horrible person about answering the phone. Just ask my family.
Now through the miracle of modern technology, I'm at work connected to one of my laptops playing sound files directly off it. How neat, i can listen to any of my MP3s that i have at home on my work computer.. and I'm sure this would be a hackers dream. Although I've been so paranoid so long about some one breaking into my computres i don't keep important records on it... I have a paper file... yes paper. Remember that old dead tree u could write on.
And even better than accessing my home files from work (to listen to music, defintely not doing anything of any work relevance), i can do it from my super cell phone. So no matter where in the world i am, except my own apartment where i have no connectivity, i can access my laptop and download stuff to my cellphone. And one might ask why i would need such a service... I don't. but its neat to have anyway!
And what do i do with all this connectivity... i send text messgaes to friends who may be on the other side of the room. Ahhh.. the modern world. And u know some of the best days i have consits of riding my bike, where no one can call me, and just being out of touch. I think we should all disconnect every so often for our own sanity.
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