Current mood:
After a conversation last night with Grace, I had a sudden urge for Mac and cheese. So, i had a box in the cupboard (about the only food i have in there) and well.. i had no cheese or milk. Bugger. So I had 2 choices, go to the store and buy milk and cheese or take a nap and get some easy mac on the way to work... I went with option 2 because I'm lazy and i don't want milk sitting in the fridge while i'm out of town for the weekend. And i just couldn't be bothered to go all the way to Krogers at that time. But the easy mac hit the spot about 4 AM.
But the whole episode made me think how easily i tend to be steered by others. Its especially bad when I'm tired and really can't be bothered to think for my self. The power of suggestion works best when i'm half asleep.. apparently i agree to a whole lot of things then. And even worse, I'll tell you anything there is to know. Perhaps I should stay away from people when i'm sleepy. Keep me from agreeing to mow lawns and wash others cars. Thats going to make coming to work harder. The other problem is, I'm a sucker for a pretty face... a girl can get me to do just about anything with a wink and a smile, works better than the Jedi mind trick. Its sad I know... and its gotten me in trouble in the past.. and probably will again.
While today is Friday for me, and I have a big weekend planned, I'm in a crappy mood. I'm starting to stress about getting up to Chicago on friday morning... as it slooking like the planes are full. So i'll be at ATL from oh about 8AM begging some one to let me on a plane. And the whole logistics of getting the DMB expedition to run is bugging me, I have this feeling we're going to get to the campsite and have forgotten something minor.. like a tent, and be screwed... especially with the chance to storms forecast!! Oh well, I like playing in the rain! It will all work out I'm sure. I think i'm going to start buying plane tickets... at least domestic.. save me a huge headache and i can wear jeans...
Todays mission... to pack everything i need for a 4 day weekend trip in my backpack. I'm sure it can be done! Other goals.. not to talk too much, relax and just go with it.
PS.. Ain't I doing well with the typing.. amazing what proofreading will do!
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