Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WHat i want is what I don't have, and what I need is all around me

I meant to touch on this last week, but was distracted by life. Last week was the last launch of an American Space Shuttle. This brings both a tinge of sadness mixed with a bit of hope. The sadness comes form not having a serious pace program anymore. It's the end of an era I suppose. I mean I can remember the days in elementary school when a shuttle launch meant the entire school stopped and gathered around a TV. This was a time before each classroom in America had a TV, so we had to gather around one of the rolling carts with the 200 lb tube TV. The limited availability of TV's usually meant we had 4 classes of kids crammed into one room. How that wasn't a fire hazard have 100 little people ina confined space I don't know??

But there we were, all wanting to grow up to be an astronaut for at least the next recess period. Some how, shuttle launches became common place to the point that the world didn't stop to watch anymore. Major networks didn't interrupt daytime TV to show a launch. Then came Challenger, and people were reminded that exploring the far reaches of the unknown was still dangerous.

The next couple of launches were heavily covered again, until once again the public became less interested again. That lasted until we'd get bad news from NASA, like the uber expensive Hubble telescope had cataracts. Or the mars lander went missing because one person used pounds in the program instead of kilos. But no one got hurt. The Columbia. And we lost seven more explorers. Another slap to remind us that somethings are still dangerous to do.

Now, America has no manned flight program. There's no ambitious plans to do anything other than hitch a ride with the Russians to the space station we built. It's like building a vacation home in Hawaii but not having airfare to go there.

BUT, lest I seem like one of hose "America has lost her greatness" people I see on Fox News, I have hope that NASA has something else cooking. I firmly believe that we've totally, as a country, given up our ability to fly a man into space on our own metal. Perhaps the current vehicle is in the hands of the Air Force and classified. And maybe it has phasers and a warp drive. :-). But maybe once we quit starting wars and collectively paying for people to not work, we'll start doing something that can be inspiring, even if it costs a little bit of money.

That's enough of that. This past weekend was me in ATLizzle. I know some of my loyal fans may feel a disappointment that I didn't spend any or enough time with them. I apologize, but I had specific plans to attend an event and see people in town from the far reaches of the earth, like Vietnam, China, and Hoboken. I didn't not call because I hate you.

But I did have a good time. Driving around town on beautiful days was so nice, even if i was delivering and shuttle about. If anything it renewed the spark to buy someplace in town there. That way I could more easily spend time with all my adoring fans. :-)

Now I need to figure out what I'm doing with myself next week. I have vacation and no plans, and a only a little $$$ i'm willing to part with.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you didn't "not call" b/c you love us MORE ;-)
