And this is when the furnace in my apartment begins to act up. In all fairness, it's pretty much a confirmation of the adage "Assumption is the mother of all f#$% ups." I assumed the landlords had been changing the air filter. They assumed I had. In reality, my air filter had become an impenetrable wall of dust and particulates. Problem rectified, and the temperature in my place has climbed back into the almost comfortable range.
In other news, the big project I was working on has fell through. I was looking to buy a small condo in the heart of Decatur that I found perusing online at work one night. At a short sale price of $57K, it was a steal. Apparently some one else thought so too. But I did learn about the buying a house process some and loans and all. So we'll chalk it up as an educational opportunity. I'm also amazed at when I started looking around I could come up with some prett decent cash in an pinch. Of course, now I want to spend it!
I light of what's looking to be a cold miserable winter, I was thinking of making my Christmas present to myself something practical and useful to some one who parks his car on the street in a frigid place... a remote starter. I was thinking that the dealership should do it so not to void the warranty on the car, but after calling them up to inquire the cost... I'm thinking I'll suffer in the cold. Seriously, to buy and install the thing, I can spend a week and a half in Vietnam. Including airfare to Cambodia!
SO my plan for winter, however impractical, is to beat the cold by zipping off to warmer third world countries whenever snow is forecast. Still cheaper than the remote starter. The only problem is this pesky job, they seem to want me to show up to get paid (contrary to last year about this time where they were wanting me to not be paid anymore at all). On the upside, I apparently get an extra week of vacay next year. Yay more time off, however this isn't going to help with the (flawed) impression some people have that I never work.
Back to the weather, the upside to cold is it actually "feels" like Christmas. This past Saturday after returning from the TanJoe Bon Voyage Soiree (graciously hosted by Charity at her mansion in the woods, which I have named,in the tradition of all fine French Chateaus, L'Endroit où Ils Ne Trouveront Jamais les Corps) I took a little walk down the main street through the Louisville Highlands (where I live) for Bardstown Road Aglow. THink of it as a Christmas-y theme street festival. ANd it was sort of a perfect Dickensian Christmas picture... shops resplendent with Holiday decor, samples of warm treats ranging form chili to hot cocoa to caramel liqueur. People meandering to and fro in the scarfs, gloves, and hats (me included). And of course, the random Santa looked right at home in the falling snow.
So that's the scene for the 1.5 mile walk to O'sheas, where the nights special Christmas beers were a perfect finish to the trek. The only downside was it meant another 1.5 mile walk home. Not nearly as festive this time, but still snowy. And cold. So, maybe this year I can manage to not let the stress of travel, and the total clusterf$% that is Peak season at work not ruin my Christmas cheer. And at the end, I get to spend time with a few of my favorite people in a tropical climate... and a beach trip needs to be part of that. The best Christmas present ever!
In even more other news, I put my life in some one elses hands and took on a little bit of a styling change. I let Ruth indulge herself and cut my hair into a new shape. It's a much shorter shape, and it's noticably colder. But it's a change and probably overdue. I like it and seems most others I talked to don't think I look horrible. SO win-win.
Before I pack it up and trek back home in the cold, this one is for my Southwind friends, all of whom it's been too long since I've seen. And I really plan to fix that. But for now, if you look close in the lower left, close to the window edge... you can see a special place in our hearts 29,000 ft below. Yes, THE Stuckey's...
Time for another warm beverage and walk the half mile home. Till next time.
I bet your neighborhood is pretty when it snows! I would love to see the river too!